Jauch, C. . (2023). Grid Integration of Wind Turbines. In Wind Power Technology (S. 427–490). Cham: Springer. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20332-9_10 (Original work published Juni 2023)
These days, in many grids around the world power system stability relies on the functionalities of modern wind turbines.
Tausch-Nebel, L. ., & van der Sluis, H. . (2023). „Man ist mehr im Stoff drin“ – Befunde aus der Verblockung von Grundlagenkursen. Die Neue Hochschule (DNH), (3/2023), 4. (Original work published Juni 2023)
Lübben, R. ., & Rizk, A. . (2023). TAILING: Tail Distribution Forecasting of Packet Delays using Quantile Regression Neural Networks. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (S. 7). (Original work published Mai 2023)
Prott, K.-O. ., Teegen, F. ., & Christiansen, J. . (2023). Embedding Functional Logic Programming in Haskell via a Compiler Plugin. In Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages. Boston, MA, USA: Springer. http://doi.org/10.1017/978-3-031-24841-2_3
We present a technique to embed a functional logic language in Haskell using a GHC plugin. Our approach is based on a monadic lifting that models the functional logic semantics explicitly. Using a GHC plugin, we get many language extensions that GHC provides for free in the embedded language. As a result, we obtain a seamless embedding of a functional logic language, without having to implement a full compiler. We briefly show that our approach can be used to embed other domain-specific languages as well. Furthermore, we can use such a plugin to build a full blown compiler for our language.
Börstler, J. ., Bin Ali, N. ., Svensson, M. ., & Petersen, K. . (2023). Investigating acceptance behavior in software engineering—theoretical perspectives. Journal of Systems and Software, 198, 111592.
Mayer, L. ., Süncksen, M. ., Reinhold, S. ., & Teistler, M. . (2023). vimiLab – Teaching Medical Imaging and Radiological Anatomy in a Virtual Reality Environment. In 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH) (S. 1–5). http://doi.org/10.1109/SeGAH57547.2023.10253787
Eissing, C. S., Richter, A. ., & Schlipf, D. . (2023). CPACS LTA—-Using Common Data Structures for Visualization and Optimization of Airship Designs. In D. . Shukla (Hrsg.), Lighter Than Air Systems (S. 25–36). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6049-9_2
Börstler, J. ., Bin Ali, N. ., & Petersen, K. . (2023). Double-counting in software engineering tertiary studies—An overlooked threat to validity. Information and Software Technology, 107174.