- Alhrshy, L. ., & Jauch, C. . (2022). A Resource-Efficient Design for a Flexible Hydraulic-Pneumatic Flywheel in Wind Turbine Blades. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265, 032018. (Original work published 2025)
Atmospheric Irrigation with Wind Turbines
Jauch, C. ., & Emeis, S. . (2022). Atmospheric Irrigation with Wind Turbines. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265, 042066. (Original work published 2025)Abstract
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Efficient multibody modeling of offshore wind turbines with flexible substructures
Steinacker, H. ., Lemmer, F. ., Raach, S. ., Schlipf, D. ., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Efficient multibody modeling of offshore wind turbines with flexible substructures. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Bd. 2265, S. 042007). (Original work published 2025)Exportformate
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LIDAR based multivariable $\mathscrH_\infty$ feedforward control for load reduction in wind turbines
Miquelez-Madariaga, I. ., Schlipf, D. ., Elso, J. ., Guo, F. ., & de Corcuera, A. D. \iaz. (2022). LIDAR based multivariable $\mathscrH_\infty$ feedforward control for load reduction in wind turbines. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Bd. 2265, S. 022070). (Original work published 2025)Exportformate
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Four-dimensional wind field generation for the aeroelastic simulation of wind turbines with lidars
Chen, Y. ., Guo, F. ., Schlipf, D. ., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Four-dimensional wind field generation for the aeroelastic simulation of wind turbines with lidars. Wind Energy Science, 7, 539–558. (Original work published 2025)Exportformate
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Investigation on the wind preview quality for lidar-assisted wind turbine control under wake conditions
Guo, F. ., Schlipf, D. ., Zhang, Z. ., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Investigation on the wind preview quality for lidar-assisted wind turbine control under wake conditions. In American Control Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA. (Original work published 2025)Exportformate
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Digitale Sichtbarkeit – Eine Umfrage in der Global Digital Women Community
Reimer, T. ., & Onaran, T. . (2022). Digitale Sichtbarkeit – Eine Umfrage in der Global Digital Women Community. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung Und -Management, 7(1), 25–26. Abgerufen von
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Impact of green entrepreneurship on sustainable development: An ex-post empirical analysis
Neumann, T. . (2022). Impact of green entrepreneurship on sustainable development: An ex-post empirical analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 37, pp. 134317-+.
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Care Teams Misunderstand What Most Upsets Patients About Their Care
Conner, A. L., Podtschaske, B. ., Mazza, M. C., Zionts, D. L., Malcolm, E. J., Thomson, C. C., … Milstein, A. . (2022). Care Teams Misunderstand What Most Upsets Patients About Their Care. Healthcare, 10(4), 100657. (Original work published Dezember 2022)Abstract
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Identification and Analysis of LSP Teacher Training Programmes in Europe
John, P. ., Greenwood, R. ., Jurković, V. ., & Kereković, S. . (2022). Identification and Analysis of LSP Teacher Training Programmes in Europe. In LSP Teacher Training Summer School . The TRAILs project (Champs Didactiques Plurilingues : données pour des politiques stratégiques, Bd. 13, S. 31–42). Brüssel (Belgien): Peter Lang. 10.3726/b20096 (Original work published Dezember 2022)Abstract
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