- Schlipf, D. ., Guo, F. ., Liang, Z. ., Pitter, M. ., Lopez-Queija, J. ., Rinker, J. ., … Weich, S. . (2024). IEA Wind Task 52 LAC Summer Games 2024. (Original work published 2025)
Navigating the complexities of a changing world - Interdisciplinary Electives at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
van der Sluis, H. ., & John, P. . (2024). Navigating the complexities of a changing world - Interdisciplinary Electives at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. Educational Developments, 25.4, 4. Abgerufen von (Original work published Dezember 2024)Abstract
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Subjective Quality Evaluation of 8-bit and 10-bit MP4-Coded Video Sequences from Netflix
Falkowski-Gilski, P. ., Uhl, T. ., & Divakarachari, P. . (2024). Subjective Quality Evaluation of 8-bit and 10-bit MP4-Coded Video Sequences from Netflix. Szczecin/Poland: Scientific Journals PMS. (Original work published Dezember 2024)Exportformate
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QUIC(K) communication for GPU Virtualization in Edge Computing
Lübben, R. ., Gaikwad, N. B., Stefanović, Čedomir ., & Kosta, S. . (2024). QUIC(K) communication for GPU Virtualization in Edge Computing. In International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications. Paris: IEEE. (Original work published Oktober 2024)Exportformate
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The Use of Machine Learning in Modeling Video Quality Assessment
Klink, J. ., Łuczyński, M. ., & Uhl, T. . (2024). The Use of Machine Learning in Modeling Video Quality Assessment. In 32nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (S. 6). Split-Bol/Croatia: IEEE Xplore. (Original work published September 2024)Exportformate
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Enhancing Drone Operation Efficiency and Operator Experience: Integrating Extended Reality and Adaptive Systems with Situation-Aware Models
Bendig, H. . (2024). Enhancing Drone Operation Efficiency and Operator Experience: Integrating Extended Reality and Adaptive Systems with Situation-Aware Models. Mensch und Computer 2024. Karlsruhe, Germany: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Original work published September 2024)Abstract
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Automatically generated state observers – toolchain and validation with real measurements
Geisler, J. . (2024). Automatically generated state observers – toolchain and validation with real measurements. In Torque 2024. Florenz: IOP Publishing. (Original work published Juni 2024)Abstract
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User experience evaluation study on the quality of 1K, 2K, and 4K H.265/HEVC video content
Falkowski-Gilski, P. ., & Uhl, T. . (2024). User experience evaluation study on the quality of 1K, 2K, and 4K H.265/HEVC video content. Szczecin/Poland: Scientific Journals PMS. (Original work published Juni 2024)Exportformate
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Enhancing Spatial Problem-Solving Through Data-Driven Methods: A Practical Approach Utilizing Immersive Technologies and Multimodal Physical Tracking
Bendig, H. . (2024). Enhancing Spatial Problem-Solving Through Data-Driven Methods: A Practical Approach Utilizing Immersive Technologies and Multimodal Physical Tracking. In Companion Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (S. 150–152). Greenville, SC, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. (Original work published März 2024)Abstract
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Hydraulic variable inertia flywheel
Jauch, C. ., Jost, R. ., & Kloft, P. . (2024). Hydraulic variable inertia flywheel. Applied Energy, 360, 16. (Original work published Februar 2024)Abstract
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