Thrash, T. ., Lanini-Maggi, S. ., Fabrikant, S. I., Bertel, S. ., Brügger, A. ., Credé, S. ., … Richter, K.-F. . (2019). The Future of Geographic Information Displays from GIScience, Cartographic, and Cognitive Science Perspectives. In 14th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory : (Bd. 142, S. 1–19).
With the development of modern geovisual analytics tools, several researchers have emphasized the importance of understanding users cognitive, perceptual, and affective tendencies for supporting spatial decisions with geographic information displays (GIDs). However, most recent technological developments have focused on support for navigation in terms of efficiency and effectiveness while neglecting the importance of spatial learning. In the present paper, we will envision the future of GIDs that also support spatial learning in the context of large-scale navigation. Specifically, we will illustrate the manner in which GIDs have been (in the past) and might be (in the future) designed to be context-responsive, personalized, and supportive for active spatial learning from three different perspectives (i.e., GIScience, cartography, and cognitive science). We will also explain why this approach is essential for preventing the technological infantilizing of society (i.e., the reduction of our capacity to make decisions without technological assistance). Although these issues are common to nearly all emerging digital technologies, we argue that these issues become especially relevant in consideration of a person s current and future locations.
Brandenburg, M. ., Gruchmann, T. ., & Oelze, N. . (2019). Sustainable Supply Chain Management—A Conceptual Framework and Future Research Perspectives. Sustainability, 11.
Sustainable operations and sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) have become a highly relevant topic for scientific research and management, as well as policy-making practice. Despite surging growth in extant research, the need for theoretical and conceptual substantiation persists, and large opportunities for further research remain unexploited. This paper responds to the need for a conceptual foundation and, therefore, aims at providing a structured agenda for future research areas in SSCM. Based on an abductive reasoning approach, SSCM constructs and concepts are gathered from existing literature and recombined into a comprehensive conceptual SSCM framework. Areas and directions for future SSCM research, as suggested in earlier studies, are summarized, positioned in the framework, and outlined to stimulate further SSCM research activities. To overcome the lack of holistic research in the field, sophisticated techniques and integrated systems to support decision-making are required to tackle related issues’ complexity. Therefore, this paper’s contribution lies in the synthesis of state-of-the-art literature to provide a more comprehensive view of SSCM. Researchers may find promising recommendations and a suitable foundation for future studies, while practitioners may find helpful orientation and guidance for decision- and policy-making.
eri, J. S. M., Felderer, M. ., Mendes, E. ., & Petersen, K. . (2019). Reasoning about Research Quality Alignment in Software Engineering. Journal of Systems and Software.
Gloe, A. ., Jauch, C. ., Craciun, B. ., & Winkelmann, J. . (2019). Continuous provision of synthetic inertia with wind turbines: implications for the wind turbine and for the grid. IET Renewable Power Generation, 13(5), 8.
eri, J. S. M., Petersen, K. ., & Mendes, E. . (2019). Cerse-catalog for empirical research in software engineering: A systematic mapping study. Information and Software Technology, 105, 117–149.
Chirvi, M. ., & Maiterth, R. . (2019). Doppelbesteuerung beim Übergang zur nachgelagerten Besteuerung gesetzlicher Renten? Steuersystematische Überlegungen und empirische Ergebnisse. Steuer Und Wirtschaft, 96(2).
Übergang zur nachgelagerten Rentenbesteuerung bewirkt keine Doppel, sondern eine Minderbesteuerung, was gleichbedeutend mit einer Steuervergünstigung für Bezieher gesetzlicher Renten ist. Dies gilt zumindest dann, wenn man dem Ansatz der Rürup-Kommission und des Gesetzgebers folgt, was die Zurechnung von sozialversicherungsinduzierten Sonderausgaben in der Beitrags- und in der Rentenphase anbelangt. Das Ausmaß der Minderbesteuerung hängt von der zukünftigen Rentenentwicklung, aber auch vom verwendeten Maßstab ab. Nach dem in der Recht-sprechung und Literatur regelmäßig verwendeten (Literatur-)Maßstab beläuft sich die Minderbesteuerung einzelveranlagter Arbeitnehmer im derzeitigen Recht auf durchschnittlich rund 11,9 % der Renten, während die Minderbesteuerung bei „systemgerechter“ Analyse bei rund 8,4 % liegt. Durch eine immer noch pauschalierte, aber passgenauere Besteuerung gesetzlicher Renten ließe sich die Minderbesteuerung erheblich reduzieren, ohne Doppelbesteuerungsprobleme in Kauf nehmen zu müssen. Eine am systemgerechten Maßstab ausgerichtete Reform ist unempfindlich gegenüber der Rentenentwicklung, während die Besteuerungsanteile der gesetzlichen Rente im Fall einer auf dem Literaturmaßstab basierenden Reform immer anzupassen sind, sobald sich Renten anders entwickeln als ursprünglich prognostiziert.
von Düsterlho, D. J.-E., & Faber, P. D.-I. T. . (2019). Aus-und Weiterbildung für die Energiewende Qualifizierungsstudie mit Angebots-und Bedarfsanalyse für den Energiesektor. Abgerufen von
Rebs, T. ., Brandenburg, M. ., & Seuring, S. . (2019). System dynamics modeling for sustainable supply chain management: A literature review and systems thinking approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 1265–1280.
Globalized economic systems involve complex supply chains (SCs) where environmental and social impacts are to be managed in alignment with diverse stakeholder expectations and to mitigate sustainability-related risks. Quantitative modeling approaches for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) have gained increasing attention. Compared to analytical models and mathematical programming, simulation methods in SSCM are underrepresented, although system dynamics (SD) modeling is suitable to simulate and examine complex and dynamic systems and to support long-term, strategic decision-making. This paper provides a review of SSCM-related SD models, systematizes SSCM from a systems thinking perspective in a conceptual framework, and proposes guidelines for SD modeling in SSCM research. A content analysis of related literature examines SD models for forward, reverse, and closed-loop SCs that include environmental or social aspects of sustainability. It is found that a majority of models deals with macroscopic levels of analysis while models for intra- and inter-organizational SCs are less prominent. SSCM-related SD models integrate environmental and social sustainability metrics, governmental pressures and incentives or customer expectations, but uncertainties and risks are seldom modeled. Inferences for future SD modeling in SSCM are derived from this review to address strengths and shortcomings of extant SD modeling approaches for SSCM. SSCM-related constructs, model validation and the need of hybrid models, which integrate different simulation, optimization, or multi-criteria decision-making models, are addressed. A framework for a systems thinking perspective on SSCM is conceptualized that may serve as a basis for future research.