eri, J. S. M., Petersen, K. ., & Mendes, E. . (2020). An empirically evaluated checklist for surveys in software engineering. Information and Software Technology, 119, 106240.
Zander, S. ., Montag, M. ., Wetzel, S. ., & Bertel, S. . (2020). A gender issue? - How touch-based interactions with dynamic spatial objects support performance and motivation of secondary school students. Computers & Education, 143, 103677.
Mobile devices are seen to incorporate characteristics which can support learning and problem solving in general and specific abilities, such as spatial ones (e.g. mental rotation). Central relevant characteristics of these devices are the availability of multiple representations (e.g. dynamic and static) and the direct interaction via touch, pointing and tracing with displayed information. The primary aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of direct interactive, dynamic interactions with spatial tasks on mobile devices as compared to purely static, non-interactive versions of the same tasks. We expected that dynamic, interactive tasks support mental processes while solving spatial tasks would be especially helpful for learners with difficulties in mental rotation and low expectancies regarding their spatial abilities. Therefore, the second focus of the study was to examine whether the expected beneficial effects of dynamic interactions were equally beneficial for both genders. This was motivated by previous studies that revealed gender differences in performance and motivational beliefs regarding spatial tasks to the disadvantage of females. We used a mixed within-between subject design with presentation format (static vs. dynamic) and gender (female vs. male) as factors and success rate, mental effort, intrinsic motivation, and frustration as dependent variables. The study was conducted in four classes (7th grade, N = 46) in two secondary schools. To test gender related pre-assumptions, spatial abilities and motivation were assessed before solving the actual rotation tasks. A MANOVA with single-comparison follow-up tests revealed increased success rates and decreased mental effort for both genders in the dynamic condition, whereas beneficial effects for intrinsic motivation and frustration were restricted to female students. Process data for rotation behavior was registered for dynamic tasks: an analysis hinted at more exploratory ways of solving spatial tasks for females and at more goal-oriented approaches for male students.
Wallbaum, T. ., Ananthanarayan, S. ., Matviienko, A. ., & Boll, S. C. (2020). A Real-time Distributed Toolkit to Ease Children’s Exploration of IoT. In Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society (S. 1–9).
Fan, B. ., Tasdemir, D. ., & Labes, A. . (2020). Inducing the Chemodiversity of Fucus vesiculosus-Derived Fungi by OSMAC Strategy for Discovery of New Anticancer Leads (S. Online-Ressource). Kiel: Universitätsbibliothek Kiel.
Bendig, H. . (2020). Untersuchung von opensource Datenbanksystemen auf Härtungsmaßnahmen unter Betrachtung des BSI IT-Grundschutz-Kompendium. Wismar University of Applied Sciences. Abgerufen von
Die Relevanz von Opensource Software (OSS) steigt immer weiter an. Laut einer Studie der Bitkom setzen heutzutage 69% aller Unternehmen, bewusst OSS ein und bis zu 75% der Unternehmen planen OSS einzusetzen [1]. Gleichzeitig steigt die Gefahr von Angriffen auf moderne Technologien [2]. Datenbanksysteme (DBS) stehen heute schon auf Platz 4 der am häufigsten angegriffenen IT-Systeme [3]. Die Wichtigkeit von Daten im heutigen Zeitalter steigt noch immer weiter man, somit ist eine noch höhere Angriffswahrscheinlichkeit auf DBS wahrscheinlich. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Umsetzbarkeit des Bausteins „APP.4.3 – Relationale Datenbanken“ des IT-Grundschutzkompendium der Bundesagentur für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) in den Opensource DBS Oracle MySQL, PostgreSQL und MongoDB untersucht. Die drei gewählten Systeme sind die derzeit am meist verbreiteten Opensource Datenbanksysteme und bedürfen daher erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit [4] [5]. Organisatorische Maßnahmen wurden anhand von Empfehlungen, Vorgaben und Beispielen erarbeitet. Technische Maßnahmen wurden nach Möglichkeit direkt in den DBS umgesetzt. Sofern keine interne Umsetzung notwendig war, wurden Opensource Erweiterungen von Drittanbietern gesucht und getestet. Anhand der vom BSI bereitgestellten Auditorencheckliste wurden die Maßnahmen bewertet. Organisatorische Maßnahmen wurden aus der Wertung herausgenommen. Es wurden die Punktekategorien 0 für gar nicht umsetzbar, 1 für teilweise umsetzbar und 2 für komplett umsetzbar vergeben. MySQL erreichte 73% der möglichen Punkte, PostgreSQL 67% und MongoDB 47%. Ein Großteil der notwendigen Funktionen wird vom Originalhersteller zwar bereitgestellt aber ist nur in der kommerziell verfügbaren Variante der Systeme aktivierbar.
Abstract: The relevance of Open Source Software (OSS) is constantly increasing. According to a study by Bitkom, 69% of all companies today use OSS consciously and up to 75% of companies plan to use OSS [1]. At the same time the danger of attacks on modern technologies is increasing [2]. Database systems (DBS) are already in 4th place among the most frequently attacked IT systems [3]. The importance of data in today s age is still increasing, so an even higher probability of attack on DBS is likely. In this thesis the feasibility of the module ‚APP.4.3 - Relational Databases‘ of the IT basic protection compendium of the German Federal Agency for Information Security (BSI) was examined in the open source DBS Oracle MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB. The three chosen systems are currently the most widespread open source database systems and therefore require special attention [4] [5]. Organisational requirements were developed on the basis of recommendations, specifications and examples. Where possible, technical requirements were implemented directly in the DBS. As far as no internal implementation was possible, open source extensions of third-party providers were searched and tested. The requirements were evaluated using the auditor checklist provided by the BSI. Organizational requirements were removed from the evaluation. The point categories 0 for not realizable at all, 1 for partially realizable and 2 for completely realizable were assigned. MySQL achieved 73% of the possible points, PostgreSQL 67% and MongoDB 47%. Most of the required functions are provided by the original manufacturer but can only be activated in the commercially available version of the systems.
Wentzlaff, T. ., Janke, F. ., Kockmeyer, M. ., Reinhold, S. ., & Teistler, M. . (2020). Navigation in Desktop 3D Games with Gamepads: Comparison of Two Approaches for Inexperienced Players. In Proceedings of the Conference on Mensch Und Computer (S. 165–168). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
Common approaches for gamepad-based navigation in desktop 3D games are often not suited for inexperienced players. In particular, novices have difficulties in simultaneously controlling movement and viewing direction in a virtual 3D scene. Here, we compare the currently predominant 3D navigation approach with an alternative approach that is inspired by early 3D games. 20 test users with little or no 3D gaming experience used both approaches to walk along a test course in a virtual 3D scene containing different obstacles. Using the alternative navigation approach, the users finished the course faster and with fewer errors than with the predominant navigation approach. In addition, the pragmatic and the hedonic quality of the alternative approach were rated higher. As a conclusion, the presented alternative approach should be given consideration when designing 3D (serious) games or similar applications for inexperienced players, not only for gamepad-based navigation, but also for comparable interfaces like the typical combination of keyboard and mouse control.
Rebs, T. ., Thiel, D. ., Brandenburg, M. ., & Seuring, S. . (2019). Impacts of stakeholder influences and dynamic capabilities on the sustainability performance of supply chains: a system dynamics model. Journal of Business Economics, 89, 893–926. (Original work published 2025)
Dynamic capabilities (DCs) are crucial for companies to attain competitive advantage in dynamic business environments and supply chains, where environmental and social aspects are considered by sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). However, the effects of stakeholder influences on SSCM performance, which results from the interplay of DCs and SSCM practices, need to be analyzed. Therefore, a system dynamics (SD) model is proposed to include the influences of governmental, shareholder, and other external stakeholder pressure. The system behavior, i.e., the company’s SSCM performance, can thus be analyzed in face of varying time delays of stakeholder influences. Findings indicate that different intensities of stakeholder influences affect the development of SSCM practices and DCs of a focal company, and thus, overall SSCM performance. Consequently, intensities of stakeholder influences should be managed accordingly, while the impact of time delays has to be understood to control SSCM performance. The insights gained from the model support the decision- and policy-making, which can be considered from the perspective of the focal company, the regulatory authorities, the shareholders, and other external stakeholders that ultimately translate into customer pressure.
Lübben, R. ., & Schwardmann, J. . (2019). Application Level Performance Measurements of Multi-Connectivity Options in Cellular Networks for Vehicular Scenarios. In IEEE Local Computer Networks. (Original work published 2025)