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Identification and Analysis of LSP Teacher Training Programmes in Europe
John, P. ., Greenwood, R. ., Jurković, V. ., & Kereković, S. . (2022). Identification and Analysis of LSP Teacher Training Programmes in Europe. In LSP Teacher Training Summer School . The TRAILs project (Champs Didactiques Plurilingues : données pour des politiques stratégiques, Bd. 13, S. 31–42). Brüssel (Belgien): Peter Lang. 10.3726/b20096 (Original work published Dezember 2022)Abstract
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Netzintegration von Windenergieanlagen
Jauch, C. . (2022). Netzintegration von Windenergieanlagen. In Einführung in die Windenergietechnik (3. Aufl., S. 407–471). München: Carl Hanser Verlag. (Original work published April 2022)Exportformate
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Service Learning as an Approach to Teaching Small Business Management
Behrends, T. ., & Binder, L. . (2022). Service Learning as an Approach to Teaching Small Business Management. In International Case Studies in Service Learning (Bd. 47, S. 99–115). Emerald Publishing Limited.
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Ökonomisches Denken lehren und lernen in der Entrepreneurship Education
Ebbers, I. . (2022). Ökonomisches Denken lehren und lernen in der Entrepreneurship Education. In Brahm, Taiga / Iberer, Ulrich / Kärner, Tobias / Weyland, Michael (Hrsg.): Ökonomisches Denken lehren und lernen. Theoretische, empirische und praxisbezogene Perspektiven (S. 159–170). Bielefeld. Abgerufen von
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Tower and Foundation
Faber, P. D.-I. T. . (2021). Tower and Foundation. In Understanding Wind Power Technology, Theory, Deployment and Optimisation. John Wiley & Sons.Exportformate
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Not up to Standard! Creating a Global Assessment Framework and Universal Proficiency Test for Maritime English.
Noble, A. ., Van Son, L. ., & John, P. . (2020). Not up to Standard! Creating a Global Assessment Framework and Universal Proficiency Test for Maritime English. In Strategies and Analyses of Language and Communication in Multilingual and International Contexts (S. 10). Cambridge (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Abgerufen von (Original work published Februar 2020)Exportformate
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Much Ado About Little: A Critical Review of the Employer Branding Concept
Behrends, T. ., Baur, M. ., & Zierke, L. . (2020). Much Ado About Little: A Critical Review of the Employer Branding Concept. In (S. 1–30). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
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Lingua controllata e traduzione (automatica) nella comunicazione tecnica
Wittkowsky, M. . (2019). Lingua controllata e traduzione (automatica) nella comunicazione tecnica. In MACHINE TRANSLATION - COME USARLA IN MODO PROFESSIONALE (S. 8). Aracne editrice. (Original work published November 2019)Exportformate
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Towards Emancipatory Aspects of Women’s Entrepreneurship: An Alternative Model of Women’s Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Patriarchal Societies
Mikkelsen, K. . (2018). Towards Emancipatory Aspects of Women’s Entrepreneurship: An Alternative Model of Women’s Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Patriarchal Societies. In Women’s Entrepreneurship in Europe: Multidimensional Research and Case Study Insights (S. 83–103). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (Original work published Januar 2018)Abstract
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