Teistler, M. ., Süncksen, M. ., & Reinhold, S. . (2022). Einsatz des Lernspiels SonoGame für die Ultraschallausbildung in der Urologie. In Ultraschall 2022. Zürich: Thieme. http://doi.org/10.1055/s-0042-1749578 (Original work published Juni 2022)
Am Beispiel der Urosonographie wurde die Nützlichkeit eines simulationsbasierten Lernspiels für die Ultraschallausbildung untersucht.
Material und Methodik
Das im Rahmen eines Hochschulprojekts entwickelte Ultraschall-Lernspiel SonoGame wurde in einem Urosonographie-Grundkurs eingesetzt und evaluiert. Insgesamt 32 Teilnehmer in sechs Gruppen nutzten das Lernspiel für jeweils 30 Minuten pro Gruppe. Mit simulierten Ultraschallsonden wurden virtuelle 3D-Volumen mittels 2D-Schnittbildern untersucht. Folgende Aufgaben wurden dabei gestellt:
1. Mit simulierter Konvex-Sonde: Untersuchung eines unbekannten Volumens, das aus verschiedenen geometrischen Körpern zusammengesetzt wurde, und a) Identifizierung des Volumens mit Hilfe einer Auswahl von vier in 3D-Darstellung präsentierten möglichen Lösungen sowie b) Erzeugen eines vorgegebenen Schnittbilds
2. Mit simulierter transrektaler Sonde: Training einer Prostatabiopsie mit Nadelführungshilfe, wobei in einem vereinfachten virtuellen Anatomiemodell vorgegebene Zielstrukturen mittels eines im Ultraschallbild visualisierten Nadelpfades erreicht werden mussten
Die 2D-Schnittbilder wurden dabei je nach Schwierigkeitsstufe farbig oder ultraschallartig dargestellt.
Die Teilnehmer wurden gebeten, die Nützlichkeit des Lernspiels bezüglich verschiedener Aspekte mit den Antwortmöglichkeiten 1 (keine Zustimmung) bis 5 (volle Zustimmung) zu bewerten.
29 Teilnehmer gaben eine Bewertung ab. Die allgemeine Nützlichkeit für die Ultraschallausbildung wurde mit 4,3 (±0,9) bewertet, die Steigerung des Raumvorstellungsvermögens mit 4,6 (±0,7), die Steigerung des Verständnisses für die Handhabung des Schallkopfes mit 4,4 (±0,7) und die Steigerung der Lernmotivation für Ultraschall-Themen mit 4,4 (±0,9).
Ein simulationsbasiertes Lernspiel kann eine nützliche Ergänzung in der Ultraschallausbildung darstellen, insbesondere zur Steigerung der visuell-räumlichen und visuell-motorischen Fähigkeiten.
Geisler, J. . (2022). Simplified dynamic inflow for control engineering models. In Torque 2022. Delft: IOP Publishing. http://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2265/3/032101 (Original work published Mai 2022)
Simplified turbine models are needed wherever computational resources are limited and the model needs to run in real-time or faster, or when it is used in analytical procedures such as linearization. These use cases are typically given in control engineering applications, especially advanced methods such as nonlinear model predictive control or state estimation. Many such models with varying levels of detail have been proposed, but most of them rely on a quasi-stationary, rotor averaged/effective representation of aerodynamic forces. Unsteady aerodynamic effects such as dynamic inflow (sometimes referred to as dynamic wake) or dynamic stall are usually neglected. But with ever more advanced methods more detailed yet still computationally efficient models are needed. Therefore, this work proposes an approach for adding the effect of dynamic inflow to any rotor effective force or moment that was previously modeled as quasi-stationary. Novel to this work is the suitability for nonlinear as well as linear models and a focus on computational efficiency while still optimally recreating the effect.
Jauch, C. . (2022). Netzintegration von Windenergieanlagen. In Einführung in die Windenergietechnik (3. Aufl., S. 407–471). München: Carl Hanser Verlag. http://doi.org/10.3139/9783446473225.010 (Original work published April 2022)
Weber, S. ., Volta, D. ., & Kuck, J. . (2022). Comparison of the Energetic Efficiency of Gas Separation Technologies Using the Physical Optimum by the Example of Oxygen Supply Options. Energies, Energies 15(5), 22. http://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/en15051855 (Original work published März 2022)
This study applies the Physical Optimum (PhO) as a reference value to rate the efficiency
of two technical options for the oxygen supply of a hospital. The systematic comparison of the alternative
processes using the PhO as a benchmark for the minimum input (exergy in this case) required
to run a process with a certain benefit allows to determine the potential for optimization of
each technology. Differences are analyzed by visualizing the losses of each individual production
step in a process as well as by the resulting overall energy demand, including the primary energy.
Possible alternatives are purchasing liquid oxygen from a cryogenic process or the production by
means of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) on site. The cryogenic production shows a lower exergy
demand even though it also has a higher potential for optimization. Yet, the total losses, significantly
impacted by the unavoidable transportation, sum up, resulting in the conclusion that the PSA is the
preferable option overall, considering energy aspects. Finally, additional criteria such as economic,
legal, and structural consequences of the respective choices are briefly outlined.
Athron, P. ., Balazs, C. ., Cherchiglia, A. ., Jacob, D. H. J., Stöckinger, D. ., Stöckinger-Kim, H. ., & Voigt, A. . (2022). Two-loop prediction of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Two-Higgs Doublet Model with GM2Calc 2. The European Physical Journal C, 82, 31. http://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10148-9 (Original work published März 2022)
We present an extension of the GM2Calc software to calculate the muon anomalous magnetic moment (a_μ^BSM) in the Two-Higgs Doublet Model. The Two-Higgs Doublet Model is one of the simplest and most popular extensions of the Standard Model. It is one of the few single field extensions that can give large contributions to a_μ^BSM. It is essential to include two-loop corrections to explain the long standing discrepancy between the Standard Model prediction and the experimental measurement in the Two-Higgs Doublet Model. The new version GM2Calc 2 implements the state of the art two-loop calculation for the general, flavour violating Two-Higgs Doublet Model as well as for the flavour aligned Two-Higgs Doublet Model and the type I, II, X and Y flavour conserving variants. Input parameters can be provided in either the gauge basis or the mass basis, and we provide an easy to use SLHA-like command-line interface to specify these. Using this interface users may also select between Two-Higgs Doublet Model types and choose which contributions to apply. In addition, GM2Calc 2 also provides interfaces in C++, C, Python and Mathematica, to make it easy to interface with other codes.
Thiesen, H. ., & Jauch, C. . (2022). Potential of Onshore Wind Turbine Inertia in Decarbonising the Future Irish Energy System. Applied Sciences, 12(6), 16. http://doi.org/10.3390/app12062984 (Original work published März 2021)
Power system inertia is an essential part for grid frequency stability and decreases due to the replacement of fossil fuel fired power plants with variable renewable energy sources. This development is not represented sufficiently in unit commitment and economic dispatch models. If considered at all, only synchronous inertia from fossil fuel driven power plants is modelled. This results in increased CO2 emissions, curtailed renewable energy and high system costs. While wind turbines are a source for synthetic inertia and an important renewable energy source, their capability to provide inertia is not incorporated into energy system models. The work at hand closes this research gap and applies a methodology to depict synthetic inertia provided by wind turbines as part of the optimisation dispatch model. A unit commitment and economic inertia dispatch model of the the all-Island Irish power system is created. The potential of wind inertia is analysed and quantified by assessing CO2 emissions, curtailed renewable energy and system costs. Results show that synthetic inertia provided by wind turbines can save up 30.99% of the CO2 emissions, reduce curtailment by up to 39.90% and reduce system costs by 32.72%.
Athron, P. ., Büchner, A. ., Harries, D. ., Kotlarski, W. ., Stöckinger, D. ., & Voigt, A. . (2022). FlexibleDecay: An automated calculator of scalar decay widths. Computer Physics Communications, 283, 27. http://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108584 (Original work published Februar 2023)
We present FlexibleDecay, a tool to calculate decays of scalars in a broad class of BSM models. The tool aims for high precision particularly in the case of Higgs boson decays. In the case of scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs boson decays the known higher order SM QED, QCD and EW effects are taken into account where possible. The program works in a modified MS scheme that exhibits a decoupling property with respect to heavy BSM physics, with BSM parameters themselves treated in the MS/DR-scheme allowing for an easy connection to high scale tests for, e.g., perturbativity and vacuum stability, and the many observable calculations readily available in MS/DR programs. Pure BSM effects are taken into account at the leading order, including all one-loop contributions to loop-induced processes. The program is implemented as an extension to FlexibleSUSY, which determines the mass spectrum for arbitrary BSM models, and does not require any extra configuration from the user. We compare our predictions for Higgs decays in the SM, singlet extended SM, type II THDM, CMSSM and MRSSM, as well as for squark decays in the CMSSM against a selection of publicly available tools. The numerical differences between our and other programs are explained. The release of FlexibleDecay officially deprecates the old effective couplings routines in FlexibleSUSY.
Wittkowsky, M. . (2022). Kommunikative Bedingungen maschineller Übersetzbarkeit. Fach - Sprache - Kommunikation (Bd. 3, S. 309). Franziska Heidrich-Wilhelms und Klaus Schubert. http://doi.org/10.18442/fsk-3 (Original work published Februar 2022)
Kann ein regelbasiertes maschinelles Übersetzungssystem eine annehmbare Zieltextqualität generieren? Und wenn ja, wie? Diese Arbeit verbindet die beiden großen Themen Übersetzung und die Redaktion über den Untersuchungsgegenstand der Optimierung maschinell übersetzter Texte. Es werden unter anderem Gemeinsamkeiten in der digitalen Auszeichnung von Sprachdaten für informationsverwaltende Systeme und in der semantischen Kennzeichnung für regelbasierte MÜ Systeme betrachtet. Neben den Untersuchungsergebnissen liefert die Arbeit Vorschläge zur Optimierung der kommunikativen Bedingungen für die regelbasierte MÜ. Neben diesen Inhalten beleuchtet die Autorin Prozesse und Akteure sowie Herausforderungen im Fachgebiet der mehrsprachigen Fachkommunikation.
Voigt, A. . (2022). Comparison of methods for the calculation of the real dilogarithm regarding instruction-level parallelism. http://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2201.01678 (Original work published Januar 2022)
We compare different methods for the computation of the real dilogarithm regarding their ability for using instruction-level parallelism when executed on appropriate CPUs. As a result we present an instruction-level-aware method and compare it to existing implementations.