Chateaureynaud, M.-A. . (Hrsg.). (2022). LSP Teacher Training Summer School . The TRAILs project. Champs Didactiques Plurilingues : données pour des politiques stratégiques (Bd. 13, S. 280). Brüssel (Belgien): Peter Lang.
This book is the result of research carried out in partnership with seven European universities as part of an Erasmus+ project on training teachers of Language for Specifi c Purpose (LSP) in higher education. All university partners, i.e. Bordeaux (France), Zagreb (Croatia), Jade (Germany), Cádiz (Spain), Adam Mickiewicz (Poland), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Arcola Research (UK), and Bergamo (Italy) carried out surveys and developed a detailed report showing that in Europe there is very little training for this type of teaching, and that teachers generally need to be trained in the specifi cities of the language fi eld they are going to teach. Medical or maritime English, legal Spanish, French for tourism, etc. require both an expert domain
knowledge and a grounding in language teaching. Several testimonies highlight this situation and show the lack of career development prospects for LSP teachers at European universities.
The members of the Erasmus+ TRAILs project have therefore been interested in the specifi c needs of LSP teachers and have been able to update the information through several types of surveys. The competences
of LSP teachers were thus identifi ed. Based on this precise inventory, they are proposing to draw up a complete training programme.
A pedagogical approach has been developed: resources, lesson preparation, course design, innovative pedagogical approaches are presented. The research presented in this book goes well beyond the TRAILs project and questions the training of specialised language teachers. More generally, it highlights the need to provide effective training and professional development for LSP teachers and offers a contribution to overcoming the shortcomings of LSP teacher education.
Witte, F. ., Hofmann, M. ., Meier, J. ., Tuschy, I. ., & Tsatsaronis, G. . (2022). Generic and Open-Source Exergy Analysis - Extending the Simulation Framework TESPy. Energies, 15.
Exergy-based methods support the identification of thermodynamic inefficiencies and the discovery of optimization potentials in thermal engineering applications. Although a large variety of simulation software is available in this field, most do not offer an integrated solution for exergy analysis. While there are commercial products on the market with such capabilities, their access for research and educational purposes is limited. The presented open-source software offers an integrated and fully automated exergy analysis tool for thermal conversion processes. In a first step, physical exergy is implemented, and the tool is then applied to three different example plants to highlight its capabilities and validate the implementation: A solar thermal power plant, a supercritical CO2 power cycle, and an air refrigeration cycle. The respective models and the results of the analyses are presented briefly. By providing the results in modern data structures, they are easily accessible and postprocessible. Future work will include chemical exergy to enable analyses of applications with conversion of matter. Additionally, the implementation of the exergoeconomic analysis and optimization is envisaged.
Hofmann, M. ., Witte, F. ., Shawky, K. ., Tuschy, I. ., & Tsatsaronis, G. . (2022). Thermal Engineering Systems in Python (TESPy): The implementation and validation of the chemical exergy. In ECOS 2022 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (Bd. 2022, S. 257–269). DTU Construct.
Ebbers, I. . (2022). Ökonomisches Denken lehren und lernen in der Entrepreneurship Education. In Brahm, Taiga / Iberer, Ulrich / Kärner, Tobias / Weyland, Michael (Hrsg.): Ökonomisches Denken lehren und lernen. Theoretische, empirische und praxisbezogene Perspektiven (S. 159–170). Bielefeld. Abgerufen von
Ivannikov, V. ., Thomsen, F. ., Ebel, T. ., & Willumeit-Römer, R. . (2022). Coupling the discrete element method and solid state diffusion equations for modeling of metallic powders sintering. Computational Particle Mechanics.
Chateaureynaud, M.-A. ., & John, P. . (Hrsg.). (2022). LSP Teacher Training Summer School . The TRAILs project. Champs Didactiques Plurilingues : données pour des politiques stratégiques (Bd. 13, S. 280). Brüssel (Belgien): Peter Lang.
This book is the result of research carried out in partnership with seven European universities as part of an Erasmus+ project on training teachers of Language for Specifi c Purpose (LSP) in higher education. All university partners, i.e. Bordeaux (France), Zagreb (Croatia), Jade (Germany), Cádiz (Spain), Adam Mickiewicz (Poland), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Arcola Research (UK), and Bergamo (Italy) carried out surveys and developed a detailed report showing that in Europe there is very little training for this type of teaching, and that teachers generally need to be trained in the specifi cities of the language fi eld they are going to teach. Medical or maritime English, legal Spanish, French for tourism, etc. require both an expert domain
knowledge and a grounding in language teaching. Several testimonies highlight this situation and show the lack of career development prospects for LSP teachers at European universities.
The members of the Erasmus+ TRAILs project have therefore been interested in the specifi c needs of LSP teachers and have been able to update the information through several types of surveys. The competences
of LSP teachers were thus identifi ed. Based on this precise inventory, they are proposing to draw up a complete training programme.
A pedagogical approach has been developed: resources, lesson preparation, course design, innovative pedagogical approaches are presented. The research presented in this book goes well beyond the TRAILs project and questions the training of specialised language teachers. More generally, it highlights the need to provide effective training and professional development for LSP teachers and offers a contribution to overcoming the shortcomings of LSP teacher education.
Selaskowski, B. . (2022). Smartphone-assisted psychoeducation in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Psychiatry Research, 317, 114802.
Psychoeducation is generally recommended in the treatment of adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but only few studies have systematically assessed the effects of structured clinical psychoeducation. Moreover, although a considerable number of psychoeducational mobile applications exist, none have provided scientific evidence for their effectiveness or safety. Therefore, the present randomized controlled trial investigated a newly developed, free-to-use psychoeducation app for adults with ADHD as a support to a clinical psychoeducation group. 236 adults with ADHD were contacted for study participation, of whom 60 were finally randomized to a psychoeducation group supported either by our developed smartphone app (n = 30) or by traditional pen-and-paper brochures (n = 30). Psychoeducation treatments were conducted in groups of 10, with 8 weekly one-hour sessions between March 2019 and November 2020. Observer-rated ADHD symptom severity (IDA-R interview) was examined as the primary outcome parameter before and after treatment. Across both interventions, ADHD core symptoms were significantly reduced. Notably, the smartphone-assisted psychoeducation was significantly more effective in improving inattention and impulsivity and led to higher homework compliance than the brochure-assisted psychoeducation. No adverse events were reported.
Guo, F. ., Mann, J. ., Peña, A. ., Schlipf, D. ., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). The space-time structure of turbulence for lidar-assisted wind turbine control. Renewable Energy, 195, 293–310.