Thiesen, H. ., Gloe, A. ., & Jauch, C. . (2021). Grid Frequency Data - WETI. Open Science Framework.
Grid Frequency Data - WETI
Data type: grid frequency data
File type: CSV
Location of measurement: Flensburg, Germany
Resolution: ~ 6.1Hz
Measurement precision: 3 decimal
The presented grid frequency data is part of research activities at the Wind Energy Technology Instiute (WETI) at the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. The measurement campaign is conducted in Flensburg, Germany. Hence, the grid frequency of the synchronous area of Continental Europe is tracked. A Dewetron 2010 measurement system is used to record and compute the data. The measurement system computes the grid frequency by tracking the grid voltage with a high sampling rate of 50 kHz. Every 164 ms the software fits a sinusoidal curve into the recorded voltage measurement points using the least-square-sums approach. The period of the resulting sinusoidal function is used as a measure for grid frequency.
Data Structure
Each csv-file provides data for one month of the year. Data is structured as follows:
Column 1: Year of type integer
Column 2: Month of type integer
Column 3: Day of type integer
Column 4: Hour of type integer
Column 5: Minute of type integer
Column 6: Second and Milliseconds of type float
Column 7: Deviation of the nominal grid frequency in Hz of type float
Gasanzade, F. ., Pfeiffer, W. T., Witte, F. ., Tuschy, I. ., & Bauer, S. . (2021). Subsurface renewable energy storage capacity for hydrogen, methane and compressed air – A performance assessment study from the North German Basin. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 149, 111422.
The transition to renewable energy sources to mitigate climate change will require large-scale energy storage to dampen the fluctuating availability of renewable sources and to ensure a stable energy supply. Energy storage in the geological subsurface can provide capacity and support the cycle times required. This study investigates hydrogen storage, methane storage and compressed air energy storage in subsurface porous formations and quantifies potential storage capacities as well as storage rates on a site-specific basis. For part of the North German Basin, used as the study area, potential storage sites are identified, employing a newly developed structural geological model. Energy storage capacities estimated from a volume-based approach are 6510 TWh and 24,544 TWh for hydrogen and methane, respectively. For a consistent comparison of storage capacities including compressed air energy storage, the stored exergy is calculated as 6735 TWh, 25,795 TWh and 358 TWh for hydrogen, methane and compressed air energy storage, respectively. Evaluation of storage deliverability indicates that high deliverability rates are found mainly in two of the three storage formations considered. Even accounting for the uncertainty in geological parameters, the storage potential for the three considered storage technologies is significantly larger than the predicted demand, and suitable storage rates are achievable in all storage formations.
Movsessian, A. ., Schedat, M. ., & Faber, P. D.-I. T. . (2021). Feature selection techniques for modelling tower fatigue loads of a wind turbine with neural networks. Wind Energy Science.
Mayer, L. ., Süncksen, M. ., Reinhold, S. ., Bertel, S. ., & Teistler, M. . (2021). Training visuospatial skills for medical ultrasound imaging with a desktop-based learning game. In 9th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH 2021). Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Petersen, K. ., & Bin Ali, N. . (2021). An analysis of top author citations in software engineering and a comparison with other fields. Scientometrics, 126, 9147–9183.
Jauch, C. . (2021). Grid Services and Stress Reduction with a Flywheel in the Rotor of a Wind Turbine. Energies, 14.
Wind power penetration increases in most grids and the sizes of wind turbines increase. This leads to increasingly tough requirements, which are imposed on wind turbines, both from the grid as well as from economics. Some of these partially contradictory requirements can only be satisfied with additional control mechanisms in the wind turbines. In this paper, such a mechanism, i.e., a hydraulic–pneumatic flywheel system in the rotor of a wind turbine, is discussed. This flywheel system supports a wind turbine in providing grid services such as steadying the power infeed, fast frequency response, continuous inertia provision, power system stabilization, and low voltage ride-through. In addition, it can help mitigate the stress on the mechanical structure of a wind turbine, which results from varying operating points, imbalances in the rotor, gravitation that acts on the blades, in-plane vibrations, and emergency braking. The study presented in this paper is based on simulations of a publicly available reference wind turbine. Both the rotor blade design as well as the design of the flywheel system are as previously published. It is discussed how the aforementioned grid services and the stress reduction mechanisms can be combined. Finally, it is concluded that such a flywheel system broadens the range of control mechanisms of a wind turbine substantially, which is beneficial for the grid as well as for the wind turbine itself.
Reimer, T. ., Heidenreich, M. ., & Herbert, O. . (2021). Spielwiese und Impulsgeber zugleich : wie Corporate Influencer die Organisation verändern. Organisationsentwicklung : Zeitschrift für Unternehmensentwicklung und Change Management. Düsseldorf: Solutions by Handelsblatt Media Group GmbH.