- Motiei, A. ., Wiese, J. ., Wenzel-Storjohann, A. ., Labes, A. ., Imhoff, J. F., & Gorokhova, E. . (2015). Antibiotic activity of microbial strains isolated from Mytilus edulis (Kiel Fjord, Baltic Sea). In Congress of European Microbiologists. Abgerufen von
Identification of Habitat-Specific Biomes of Aquatic Fungal Communities Using a Comprehensive Nearly Full-Length 18S rRNA Dataset Enriched with Contextual Data
Panzer, K. ., Yilmaz, P. ., Weiß, M. ., Reich, L. ., Richter, M. ., Wiese, J. ., … Reich, M. . (2015). Identification of Habitat-Specific Biomes of Aquatic Fungal Communities Using a Comprehensive Nearly Full-Length 18S rRNA Dataset Enriched with Contextual Data. PLoS ONE, 10, e0134377. Abgerufen von
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Lindgomycin, an Unusual Antibiotic Polyketide from a Marine Fungus of the Lindgomycetaceae
Wu, B. ., Wiese, J. ., Labes, A. ., Kramer, A. ., Schmaljohann, R. ., & Imhoff, J. F. (2015). Lindgomycin, an Unusual Antibiotic Polyketide from a Marine Fungus of the Lindgomycetaceae. Marine Drugs, 13, 4617–4632. Abgerufen von
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Nature s Lab for Derivatization: New and Revised Structures of a Variety of Streptophenazines Produced by a Sponge-Derived Streptomyces Strain
Kunz, A. L., Labes, A. ., Wiese, J. ., Bruhn, T. ., Bringmann, G. ., & Imhoff, J. F. (2015). Nature s Lab for Derivatization: New and Revised Structures of a Variety of Streptophenazines Produced by a Sponge-Derived Streptomyces Strain, Online-Ressource.Exportformate
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Nature?s Lab for Derivatization: New and Revised Structures of a Variety of Streptophenazines Produced by a Sponge-Derived Streptomyces Strain
Kunz, A. L., Labes, A. ., Wiese, J. ., Bruhn, T. ., Bringmann, G. ., & Imhoff, J. F. (2014). Nature?s Lab for Derivatization: New and Revised Structures of a Variety of Streptophenazines Produced by a Sponge-Derived Streptomyces Strain. Marine Drugs, 12, 1699–1714. Abgerufen von (Original work published März 2014)Abstract
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A complete view on the aquatic-derived fungal phylogeny and ecology
Yilmaz, P. ., Glöckner, F. O., Imhoff, J. F., Labes, A. ., Panzer, K. ., Schmaljohann, R. ., … Reich, M. . (2014). A complete view on the aquatic-derived fungal phylogeny and ecology. In 15. International Symposium on Microbiology Ecology. Abgerufen von
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Algae as important environment for bacteria - phylogenetic relationships among species isolated from algae
Goecke, F. R., Thiel, V. ., Wiese, J. ., Labes, A. ., & Imhoff, J. F. (2013). Algae as important environment for bacteria - phylogenetic relationships among species isolated from algae. Phycologia, 52, 14–24. Abgerufen von
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Habitat specific provocation of secondary metabolite production by marine bacteria ? microbial communication and pharmaceutical use
Oesterwalbesloh, J. ., Wiese, J. ., Labes, A. ., & Imhoff, J. F. (2013). Habitat specific provocation of secondary metabolite production by marine bacteria ? microbial communication and pharmaceutical use. In VAAM Jahrestagung 2013. Abgerufen von
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Phylogenetic analysis and antibiotic activity of bacteria isolated from the surface of two co-occurring macroalgae from the Baltic Sea
Goecke, F. R., Labes, A. ., Wiese, J. ., & Imhoff, J. F. (2013). Phylogenetic analysis and antibiotic activity of bacteria isolated from the surface of two co-occurring macroalgae from the Baltic Sea. European Journal of Phycology, 48, 47–60. Abgerufen von
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Beneficial effects of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol- producing pseudomonads on the marine alga Saccharina latissima
Nagel, K. ., Schneemann, I. ., Kajahn, I. ., Labes, A. ., Wiese, J. ., & Imhoff, J. F. (2012). Beneficial effects of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol- producing pseudomonads on the marine alga Saccharina latissima. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 67, 239–249. Abgerufen von (Original work published 2025)Abstract
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