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GL-Technical Note for Cold Climate – An Overview
Faber, P. D.-I. T. . (2009). GL-Technical Note for Cold Climate – An Overview.Exportformate
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Variability of the algae-associated bacterial communities among coexisting Fucus vesiculosus (Phaephyceae) and Delesseria sanguinea (Rhodophyta) in the Baltic Sea
Goecke, F. R., Wiese, J. ., Labes, A. ., & Imhoff, J. F. (2009). Variability of the algae-associated bacterial communities among coexisting Fucus vesiculosus (Phaephyceae) and Delesseria sanguinea (Rhodophyta) in the Baltic Sea. VAAM Jahrestagung. Abgerufen von
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Context in industrial software engineering research
Petersen, K. ., & Wohlin, C. . (2009). Context in industrial software engineering research. In 2009 3rd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (S. 401–404).Exportformate
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Biological role of secondary metabolites from marine microorganisms
Baumann, H. I., Wiese, J. ., Gärtner, A. ., Goecke, F. R., Heindl, H. ., Kajahn, I. ., … Imhoff, J. F. (2009). Biological role of secondary metabolites from marine microorganisms. VAAM-Symposium "Symbiotische Interaktionen". Abgerufen von
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Senior User Integration: Ein ganzheitliches Konzept zur Kooperation von Herstellern und älteren Nutzern während der Produktentwicklung
Glende, S. ., Podtschaske, B. ., & Friesdorf, W. . (2009). Senior User Integration: Ein ganzheitliches Konzept zur Kooperation von Herstellern und älteren Nutzern während der Produktentwicklung. In Ambient Assisted Living - AAL - 2. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung / Technologien - Anwendungen - Management 27.01.2009 - 28.01.2009 in Berlin (S. 5). Berlin, Offenbach: VDE Verlag. Abgerufen von
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Static code analysis to detect software security vulnerabilities-does experience matter?
Baca, D. ., Petersen, K. ., Carlsson, B. ., & Lundberg, L. . (2009). Static code analysis to detect software security vulnerabilities-does experience matter?. In 2009 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (S. 804–810).Exportformate
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Chitin modifying enzymes
Staufenberger, T. ., Labes, A. ., & Imhoff, J. F. (2009). Chitin modifying enzymes. Seminar aquatische Mikrobiologie am Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei. Abgerufen von
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MILP-based campaign scheduling in a specialty chemicals plant: a case study
Brandenburg, M. ., & Tölle, F.-J. . (2009). MILP-based campaign scheduling in a specialty chemicals plant: a case study. In Supply Chain Planning. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
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Extended metallization reliability testing: Combining standard wafer level with product tests to increase test sensitivity
Born, V. ., Beck, M. ., Bosholm, O. ., Dalleau, D. ., Glenz, S. ., Haverkamp, I. ., … Vest, A. . (2009). Extended metallization reliability testing: Combining standard wafer level with product tests to increase test sensitivity. Microelectronics Reliability, 49.
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