Würth I, Valldecabres L, Simon E, u. a. Minute-scale forecasting of wind power results from the collaborative workshop of IEA wind task 32 and 36. Energies. 2019;12:712. doi:10.3390/en12040712.
Würth, I. ., Valldecabres, L. ., Simon, E. ., Möhrlen, C. ., Uzunoğlu, B. ., Gilbert, C. ., … Kaifel, A. . (2019). Minute-scale forecasting of wind power results from the collaborative workshop of IEA wind task 32 and 36. Energies, 12, 712. http://doi.org/10.3390/en12040712 (Original work published 2025)
Würth, Ines, Laura Valldecabres, Elliot Simon, Corinna Möhrlen, Bahri Uzunoğlu, Ciaran Gilbert, Gregor Giebel, David Schlipf, und Anton Kaifel. (2025) 2019. „Minute-Scale Forecasting of Wind Power Results from the Collaborative Workshop of IEA Wind Task 32 and 36“. Energies 12: 712. doi:10.3390/en12040712.
Würth, Ines u. a. „Minute-Scale Forecasting of Wind Power Results from the Collaborative Workshop of IEA Wind Task 32 and 36“. Energies 12 (2019): 712.
Würth, Ines, u. a. „Minute-Scale Forecasting of Wind Power Results from the Collaborative Workshop of IEA Wind Task 32 and 36“. 2025. Energies, Bd. 12, 4, 2019, S. 712.