Schlipf D, Fleming P, Raach S, u. a. An adaptive data processing technique for LIDAR-assisted control to bridge the gap between LIDAR systems and wind turbines. In: European Wind Energy Association Annual Event. Paris, France; 2015. doi:10.18419/opus-8419.
Schlipf, D. ., Fleming, P. ., Raach, S. ., Scholbrock, A. K., Haizmann, F. ., Krishnamurthy, R. ., … Cheng, P. W. (2015). An adaptive data processing technique for LIDAR-assisted control to bridge the gap between LIDAR systems and wind turbines. In European Wind Energy Association Annual Event. Paris, France. http://doi.org/10.18419/opus-8419 (Original work published 2025)
Schlipf, David, Paul Fleming, Steffen Raach, Andrew K. Scholbrock, Florian Haizmann, Raghu Krishnamurthy, Matthieu Boquet, und Po Wen Cheng. (2025) 2015. „An Adaptive Data Processing Technique for LIDAR-Assisted Control to Bridge the Gap Between LIDAR Systems and Wind Turbines“. In European Wind Energy Association Annual Event. Paris, France. doi:10.18419/opus-8419.
Schlipf, David u. a. „An Adaptive Data Processing Technique for LIDAR-Assisted Control to Bridge the Gap Between LIDAR Systems and Wind Turbines“. European Wind Energy Association Annual Event. Paris, France: N.p., 2015.
Schlipf, David, u. a. „An Adaptive Data Processing Technique for LIDAR-Assisted Control to Bridge the Gap Between LIDAR Systems and Wind Turbines“. 2025. European Wind Energy Association Annual Event, 2015.