Guo F, Schlipf D, Zhang Z, Cheng PW. Investigation on the wind preview quality for lidar-assisted wind turbine control under wake conditions. In: American Control Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA; 2022. doi:10.23919/ACC53348.2022.9867301.
Guo, F. ., Schlipf, D. ., Zhang, Z. ., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Investigation on the wind preview quality for lidar-assisted wind turbine control under wake conditions. In American Control Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA. http://doi.org/10.23919/ACC53348.2022.9867301 (Original work published 2025)
Guo, Feng, David Schlipf, Zhaoyu Zhang, und Po Wen Cheng. (2025) 2022. „Investigation on the Wind Preview Quality for Lidar-Assisted Wind Turbine Control under Wake Conditions“. In American Control Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA. doi:10.23919/ACC53348.2022.9867301.
Guo, Feng u. a. „Investigation on the Wind Preview Quality for Lidar-Assisted Wind Turbine Control under Wake Conditions“. American Control Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA: N.p., 2022.
Guo, Feng, u. a. „Investigation on the Wind Preview Quality for Lidar-Assisted Wind Turbine Control under Wake Conditions“. 2025. American Control Conference, 2022.
Date Published
jun -
Conference Location
Atlanta, GA, USA