The most important result of the project is still the development of an evaluated, cost-effective intervention model built upon the idea of co-creation. After being tested in the pilot regions, the transferable elements of this model will be compiled into an intervention manual that contains three toolboxes (for user needs assessments, behaviour change and initiation of eHealth service design) and can be applied by PHAs throughout the BSR with different user groups. This manual has been defined as a main output, and communication activities have been strengthened to facilitate the use of the intervention model by PHAs not represented in the project. The eHealth applications developed in the intervention pilots have also been defined as a main output, as they can serve as model solutions for achieving behaviour change that are transferable to other regions and user groups. The joint working processes in the development of the intervention model as well as the steps of the intervention piloting have been described in more detail. The previous WP 5 has been deleted, as health IT SME that offer innovative technical solutions will be directly involved in the piloting of the interventions and thus be enabled to increase their capacity to customise their products and services to user needs and cooperate with PHAs. The integration of SME collaboration into existing networks, the role of business intermediaries and the benefits for health IT SME related to the matchmaking have also been better explained. The partnership has largely remained the same, as only Kaunas Municipal Health Bureau has been replaced by the Lithuanian Centre for Health Education and Diseases Prevention. Unfortunately, despite intensive and continuous efforts, it was not possible to involve PHAs from Denmark or Sweden as partners as planned. The total budget is about 400.000 EUR lower than anticipated and justified by the strengthened main outputs as well as personnel-intensive piloting processes.
- Stadt Flensburg
- Baltic Region Healthy Cities Association
- South Ostrobothnia Health Technology Development Centre
- Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
- Seinäjoki Social and Primary Health Care Center
- Liepaja City Council
- Riga Stradins University
- The Society of the Family Doctors of Estonia
- Tallin University of Technology
- ScanBalt
- Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Center for Health Education and Diseases Prevention
- City of Poznan