The lecture/Der Vortrag
Full title/Vollständiger Titel
Expert assessments in the accredited area around wind energy
During the session, the speaker will introduce the leading certification company in the field of grid integration. The company Moeller Operating Engineering (M.O.E.) offers certification, measurement and inspection from prototype testing until regular check of the wind turbines. The speaker will give practical examples from the activities of expert of an independent body (third party).
Jochen Möller, Executive Manager, Moeller Operating Engineering GmbH
Jochen Möller studied electrical engineering at the University of Applied Science Flensburg from 1990 to 1993 focusing his thesis on developing the first flicker meter for wind turbines. Afterwards he started at WINDTEST and became technical director and part of DNV-GL. Since 2009 Mr. Möller is shareholder and managing director at M.O.E. During his career he became member of several guideline groups like FNN VDE-AR-N 4110 (grid Codes).
Place & access information/Ort & Zugangsinformationen
Join at the WETI/Präsenz-Veranstaltung
- Room V1.12, Norstraße 2, 24937 Flensburg
Join online/Online-Veranstaltung
- Follow this link to join the lecture.
- Über diesen Link gelangen Sie zur Vorlesung.
The lecture series/Über die Ringvorlesung:
The Wind Energy Technology Institute is organizing a series of lecture in the summer semester 2022. We welcome anyone interested in the wind industry to join us. We have invited lecturers from the various branches of the wind industry to speak about exciting topics. There will also be the opportunity for a short discussion after each of the talks.
Das Wind Energy Technology Institute (WETI) der Hochschule Flensburg veranstaltet im Sommersemester 2022 wieder eine Ringvorlesung und lädt alle Interessenten dazu ein! Es werden Referent*innen aus Industrie und Wirtschaft über spannende Themen aus der Windbranche referieren. Im Anschluss der Vorträge besteht die Möglichkeit im Rahmen einer Diskussionsrunde Fragen zu stellen und das Thema zu vertiefen.