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Wind Energy Technology Institute

Weißer Grund. Daraus link Schrift: Wind Energy Technology Institute, rechts daneben ein stilisiertes Windrad in türkis.

Since its foundation in 2010 the Wind Energy Technology Institute has taken research on wind energy in a storm. The researchers at the WETI are particularly interested in the control of wind turbines, questions on grid integration and tower concepts.

The Wind Energy Technology Institute (WETI) is financed both through private and public funding, funds are provided by FUAS as well as by the Schleswig-Holstein Agency for Climate and Environment Protection (EKSH - Gesellschaft für Energie und Klimaschutz Schleswig-Holstein) and a number of companies from the wind energy sector.

The team of the WETI is active in both research and teaching. They closely cooperate with partners from industry and organisations from the wind energy sector as well as with other universities. Wind and science do not stop at geographical borders – neither does the WETI. Our students regularly participate in projects and competitions; WETI teams have won the International Small Wind Turbine Contest at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands three times in a row: 2013, 2014 and 2015.

To make technical knowledge accessible and understandable for a larger audience, the WETI organises public lecture series every semester.

Find out who the people behind the WETI are, who supports and funds the institute and learn more about the projects and activities of the last years on the following pages.


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