At FUAS we want to prepare our students for successful careers in Germany and around the world. The range of our study programmes is also designed to match the strengths and the market of our region; this includes the maritime industry as well as the energy industry.
Whether you want to study for a bachelor’s degree or your master’s, FUAS has a wide range of degree programmes to offer. Some of them taught entirely in English, others including a number of classes taught in English. No matter which of our programmes you choose, you will be taught by people with considerable working experience in the industry. So our teaching staff will not only guide you through the theoretical aspects of their fields of expertise but also share their real life working experience with you.
Find out which of our programmes best suit your strengths, interests and career plans. Whether you decide for one of our bachelor’s or master's degree programmes, the next big question is: How does the application process work. The short answer to this is: Not nearly as complicated as you may think. For the long and detailed answer just head over to our application sites.
Whenever you have a question on anything related to FUAS - studying here, applying, living in Flensburg, there is one general rule: Ask us. Our International Office and Student Services will be glad to help.
Studienstarthilfe für Studieninteressierte aus Elternhäusern mit geringem Einkommen
Die Studienstarthilfe ist eine einmalige, zweckgebundene Zuwendung des Landes SH für Studieninteressierte aus Elternhäusern mit geringem Einkommen, um Sonderausgaben wie Einschreibgebühr, Semestergebühr und studienspezifische Anschaffungen zu finanzieren. Damit soll der Studienstart in Schleswig-Holstein erleichtert werden.