Are you a refugee in Germany and would like to study here? In principle, you can study at a German university just like other international students. This especially applies if your status as a refugee has been recognized. On this page, we have compiled information and links to help make your path to becoming a student easier.
Refugees from Ukraine
If you are a refugee from Ukraine and have questions about studying with us, please contact Antje Fey-Jensen or Marc Laatzke. Further information can be found on this page.
General information
If you wish to obtain a bachelor's degree from FUAS, the knowledge of German is mandatory. All of our bachelor’s degree programs are taught in German. If you already hold a bachelor's degree recognized in Germany, you can apply for a master's degree programme.
Application via uni-assist
If you would like to study at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and are applying with a certificate that was not issued in Germany, send your application to uni-assist. To find further information about the evaluation of foreign qualifications, visit the uni-assist website.
We compiled a list of the documents you must submit with your application, an overview of the application deadlines and other information on this page.
How can I apply if I’m missing certificates or required documents?
If you no longer possess any certificates or proof of university entrance qualification due to fleeing your home country, do inform uni-assist in a brief letter and provide proof of your refugee status with a copy of your residence permit. Before you can begin your studies, you may have to take foundation or preparatory courses at the Studienkolleg. The nearest Studienkolleg is in Kiel.
Since the winter semester 2023/24, there is a Flensburg branch of the Studienkolleg. However, you still submit your application for Flensburg via the Studienkolleg Kiel. An overview of Studienkollegs in other cities can be found here.
Evaluation of your certificates
To find out whether your certificate qualifies you to study in Flensburg, you can check the anabin database. To do this, simply click on "Schulzeugnisse mit Hochschulzugang" (school certificates with university entrance) and select the country in which the certificate was issued. A list of recognized certificates from the chosen country will then be listed along with information on whether you can study in Germany and if so, which degree course might be an option for you.
Fee waiver
Certain fees, e.g. for aptitude tests or for the enrolment as a guest student, can be partially or fully waived for people who cannot afford to pay them due to special circumstances. We will be happy to advise you as to whether you are eligible for such a fee waiver. Please contact the head of Student Services.
Language skills
What level of German is required to enrol as a student?
To apply successfully you must prove your knowledge of German. You can acquire the required knowledge either through the German language test for university entrance (DSH) level 2 or level 3 or a Test DAF certificate (with level 4 in all sub-tests).
German courses
We offer German courses for students with an international background. You can find an overview of the courses currently offered on this page.
We also offer German courses specifically for refugees from Ukraine. Sign up by sending an e-mail to antje.fey-jensen@hs-flensburg.de.
More information
Information from the DAAD
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) contains a large amount of information about studying in Germany. You will find details about study requirements and how to finance your studies here, as well as a database of study programmes where you can find the degree programme that best suits your interests and qualifications.
Further information
Your contacts

Antje Fey-Jensen
Beratung internationaler Studierender: Studienerfolg und Berufseinstieg (DAAD-FIT)
Raum H 27
Telefon 0461 805 1211