"The President's Office is responsible for the management of the university." This is how the Higher Education Act of Schleswig-Holstein sums it up. Naturally, what sounds simple is very complex: The President, the Chancellor and the Vice Presidents manage and represent our university within the framework of their legal competences. This includes staff appointment schemes as well as negotiations with the ministry, developing the university strategy as well as quality assurance in studies and teaching.
The President's Office is the centre of many of the activities and responsibilities of our university - the university administration is managed and the decisions made by Senate and the University Council are carried out here. This means new positions are decided on here, professorships are awarded and the budget appointed.
The main motivation behind everything that happens here is the success of our university; in rankings on studies, teaching and research as well as in the acquisition of funds and in administrative matters. On a local, national and international level. To achieve this success, the members of the President's Office ensure that the institutions and bodies of FUAS perform their duties and that their respective members fulfil their obligations and that their rights are not violated at any time.
The members of the President are the President, the Chancellor, the Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Research and Digitalisation and the Vice President for International Relations.
The Public Relations Unit is assigned to the President's Office as well.
Stabsstellen des Präsidiums
Your contacts

Dr. Heike Bille
Technologie- und Wissenstransfer
Raum D 245
Telefon 0461 805 1204
Fax 0461/805 - 1511

Stabsstelle Digitalisierung
Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatikerin (FH) Monika Tinzmann
Fachliche Leitung
Raum H 23
Telefon 0461 805 1347