Our mission
Our students are the main focus of everything we do
We aim to educate responsible people. Our actions shape the future. We are diverse. We are open-minded. We trust, accept and appreciate each other. This way all of us can work together in the best possible way.
We are a fundamental part of our region with an international focus
We are a key player in providing jobs for the region and an important economic factor. We work closely with a variety of partners from society, politics and industry. We do this across disciplines and borders and on all levels – locally, nationally and internationally.
We are partners in projects and cooperate with our global network of partner universities and businesses around the world. This active involvement is facilitated by our active and constant dialogue with society – from within our university to the outside and back.
Transparency is self-understood for us
Our university is shaped by its students and staff.
We see ourselves as service providers out of conviction. Clearly defined processes, open and transparent communication and a constant exchange of information are the basis for the solutions we find.
We combine teaching, research, knowledge transfer and internationality in a transparent manner.
We study and work with a high quality of life
We set clearly defined goals, treat each other with respect and stand by what we say. Our leadership culture includes the people affected by it.
We create conditions that allow people to grow as individuals and as a group, and that enable everyone to maintain a healthy balance between studying, work and their private and family lives.
Our vision
Our practically oriented teaching ensures qualifications that will stand the test of time
We combine lifelong learning and innovation while maintaining the highest standards at the same time. By doing so we ensure the relevance of our work and its results.
We work with partners from industry, politics and society and we provide degree programmes and education that meet the requirements of both the job market and society.
The degrees we award qualify our graduates for a variety of tasks
Both our teaching methods and contents are cutting edge. As each educational career is individual and has its very own starting point, we offer a variety of paths and admission requirements leading to different degrees and qualifications. We take the people and their personal circumstances into account.
Our students, their future employers and society in general benefit from our actions.
We support people in their pursuit of exceptional performance and highest quality standards.
There is a cross-pollination between our research and development, our teaching and knowledge transfer
The knowledge gained thus inspires our teaching and helps to further build our university’s reputation and to define our profile more clearly. To facilitate this, FUAS ensures that beneficial conditions are in place.
We make relevant and sustainable contributions to society and industry.
As an innovative university, we pursue applied research and knowledge transfer whilst ensuring a stable interface to basic research at all times.
We invest in innovation that crosses the borders between subjects, institutes and organisations. We firmly believe that cooperation is the key to success.