Finland is characterised by its tranquil, idyllic nature and the serenity that can be felt throughout the country. It is very clean and the people there are very environmentally aware, peaceful and safe. In addition to studying, you can simply relax in Finland and enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings.
Englischsprachige Studienmöglichkeiten im Bereich Energy Engineering.
Double Degree Programme in Energy Engineering
mit der HS Flensburg: Studierende der HS Flensburg mit 160 ECTS Credit Points (aus geeigneten Studiengängen) und guten Englischkenntnissen (IELTS oder TOEFL-Test) können an der South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences innerhalb eines Jahres einen Bachelor's Degree in Energy Engineering erwerben.
Double Degree Programme (240 ECTS)
Courses at student's home university (160 ECTS)
Courses at South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (60 ECTS)
Languages (5 ECTS):
- Professional English
- Finnish for Foreigners
Field specific courses (55 ECTS)
- District Heating and Stem Technology (5 ECTS)
- Thermodynamics and Heat Transmission Technology (5 ECTS)
- Power Plant Processes (5 ECTS)
- Steam Boilers and Turbines (5 ECTS)
- Instrumentation and Electrification (5 ECTS)
- Measurement and Control (5 ECTS)
- Control Room Operation and Simulation of Power Plants (5 ECTS)
- Maintenance of Mechanical and Electrical Systems or Information Systems (5 ECTS)
- Renewable Energy Supply (5 ECTS)
- Emission Measurement and Environment Technology (5 ECTS)
- Energy Markets (5 ECTS)
Bachelor's Thesis (15 ECTS)
Practical Training (15 ECTS)
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