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Namibian-German Centre for Logistics

Projektbudget Gesamt
1.862.138,74 Euro
Namibia University of Science and Technology


The Namibian German-Centre for Logistics (NGCL) is located in Windhoek/Namibia and run jointly by Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and Namibia University of Science and Technology. It is one of seven Centres of Excellence that have been established on the African continent since 2008 with funding from the Federal Foreign Office’s "Aktion Africa" programme – with the goal of educating future leaders in fields that are critical for development. DAAD is responsible for the management and coordination of these projects.

The NGCL strives for excellence in logistics. The portfolio of the Centre is developed from a needs-based approach, according to what is required to let logistics become a powerful motor for economic development. These main fields of action are

Its mission is to contribute to the economic development of the country and the region by providing the expertise and strategies that promote and further logistics.


Gefördert vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts