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WETI-Ringvorlesung: Secondary effects of a modified wind turbine with open blade tips

Digitale Veranstaltung
Online-Meeting mit Webex

The lecture/Der Vortrag

Full title/Vollständiger Titel

Secondary effects of a modified wind turbine with open blade tips


The lecture deals with a novel modification of wind turbines by which secondary effects can be used. The fundamental principle of the idea is based on the use of a passive air flow inside the turbine, which is created by the rotation of the blades when the tips are open. On the one hand, these can improve the performance of the turbine itself and, on the other hand, offer energy-efficient solutions to common challenges with conventional turbines, like conditioning the nacelle and blades. The research project examined the effects of the passive air flow on the entire structure from an industrial and scientific point of view. In the project, a potential implementation of the ventilation and tip opening as well as various possibilities of the airflow-use were examined in more detail and implemented by means of a modular virtual prototype. The lecture provides an insight into the associated research project and shows how the entire system of a wind turbine can be improved with innovative ideas.


Bodo Fiedler, Head of the Institute of Polymer and Composites at Hamburg University of Technology.

Bodo Fiedler studied mechanical engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) with the focus on material engineering. His doctoral thesis with the title “Micromechanical load introduction in fibre-reinforced composites” he wrote in the Institute of Polymer and Composites. Since October 2013 he is head of the Institute of Polymer and Composites at TUHH.



Access information/Zugangsinformationen

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The lecture series/Über die Ringvorlesung:

The Wind Energy Technology Institute is organizing a series of lecture in the summer semester 2021. We welcome anyone interested in the wind industry to join us. We have invited lecturers from the various branches of the wind industry to speak about exciting topics. There will also be the opportunity for a short discussion after each of the talks.

Das Wind Energy Technology Institute (WETI) der Hochschule Flensburg veranstaltet im Sommersemester 2021 wieder eine Ringvorlesung und lädt alle Interessenten dazu ein! Es werden Referent*innen aus Industrie und Wirtschaft über spannende Themen aus der Windbranche referieren. Im Anschluss der Vorträge besteht die Möglichkeit im Rahmen einer Diskussionsrunde Fragen zu stellen und das Thema zu vertiefen.