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Petersen, K. ., & Wohlin, C. . (2010). The effect of moving from a plan-driven to an incremental software development approach with agile practices. Empirical Software Engineering, 15, 654–693.
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Baca, D. ., Petersen, K. ., Carlsson, B. ., & Lundberg, L. . (2009). Static code analysis to detect software security vulnerabilities-does experience matter?. In 2009 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (S. 804–810).
Petersen, K. ., Wohlin, C. ., & Baca, D. . (2009). The waterfall model in large-scale development. In International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (S. 386–400).
Petersen, K. ., Rönkkö, K. ., & Wohlin, C. . (2008). The impact of time controlled reading on software inspection effectiveness and efficiency: a controlled experiment. In Proceedings of the Second ACM-IEEE international symposium on Empirical software engineering and measurement (S. 139–148).
Petersen, K. ., Feldt, R. ., Mujtaba, S. ., & Mattsson, M. . (2008). Systematic mapping studies in software engineering. In 12th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE) 12 (S. 1–10).
Petersen, K. ., Zaha, J. M., & Metzger, A. . (2007). Variability-driven selection of services for service compositions. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (S. 388–400).