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Planetarium Talks: Focusing light on atomic length scales

Menke-Planetarium Glücksburg (Fördestraße 37, 24960 Glücksburg)

Der Vortrag/The talk

Titel des Vortrags/Title of the talk

Focusing light on atomic length scales

Über den Vortrag/About the talk

To harness light for technological applications, we are continuously searching for ways to generate, detect, and control it using materials. Recent advances in modern nanofabrication techniques now enable the production of materials on nanometer or even atomic length scales, presenting new opportunities to manipulate light that capitalize on both its wave- and particle-like behavior. Research in nano-optics explores the science of nanoscale light-matter interactions for developing next-generation technologies and in fundamental explorations at the boundary of classical and quantum physics. In this context, the hybridization of light with material excitations to form quasiparticles called “polaritons” enables the concentration of light down to nanometer length scales.

In this talk, D-IAS Associate Professor Joel Cox from the Center for Polariton-driven Light-Matter Interactions (POLIMA) at the University of Southern Denmark will discuss the science behind light and its behavior, including its wave-particle duality and its role in modern technologies as a carrier of information and energy. 

Der Referent/The speaker

D-IAS Associate Professor Joel Cox , SDU

Ticketreservierung/Seat reservation

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