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100% Climate Neutrality Conference

Alsion, Sønderborg

The 2022 conference, taking place on September 26th - September 27th at Alsion in Sonderborg, will be the fifth conference to be held in Denmark. Following the Covid-19 break 2020 and the online issue 2021, this is the first conference with physical presence again. The conference is a successor of a series of conferences with the aim to present solutions and challenges on the way to 100% climate neutrality. The burning topic has never been more important than today.

How can we make sure that we achieve 100% climate neutrality? How do we ensure focus on climate issues while other challenges take most of our attention for immediate reactions? How can academia, industry and municipalities work more effectively together?

This year's climate neutrality conference focuses on new technology developments and climate engineering, necessary change of all peoples behaviour and green entrepreneurship, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from a climate neutrality perspective and strategies for coordinated actions and strong political alignment.We set focus on where the border region is especially strong, from energy efficiency and new solar power generation to detection of microplastics. 

For more information about the program, registration and other details, please visit the 100% Climate Neutrality conference website www.100cn.eu

Please mark the date in your calendar. Registration will open here in early August.