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Previous updates and information on the COVID-19 pandemic

This page gives you an overview of the information provided on changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic over the past years and months.

Please note:

For current information on how the situation at FUAS is affected, please head to this page.

Updates from the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

25 Nov 2022: FUAS hygiene concept updated  >>

As there is no longer an obligation to self-isolate for people who test positive for COVID-19, FUAS’ hygiene concept was revised and updated. You can find more details and the latest version of the hygiene concept here.

28 April 2022: Updated hygiene concept: new regulations on wearing masks >>

The updated version of our hygiene concept now regulates where face masks must be worn and where there is a strong recommendation to do so. Please read up on all the details here.

23 March 2022: Current COVID-19-related rules >>

Our hygiene concept and the instructions on what to do in case of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection have been updated to meet the current legal framework. Please read both of them carefully.

For a quick overview of the most important rules and details, please head over to this page.

24 Feb 2022: Return to on-campus teaching >>

At FUAS we will return to teaching on campus starting in March. Please read here for more details on what this means.

24 Feb 2022: Hygiene concept updated

The hygiene concept for FUAS has been updated. You can read the currently valid version, no. 15.0, here.

21 Jan 2022: “Free shots” and obligation to provide a doctor’s note for ongoing and upcoming exam period >>

We would like to inform you that the decree on measures relating to COVID-19 and the universities [Corona HEVO] has been updated. The "free shot" rule and the suspension of the obligation to provide a doctor’s note continue to apply for the ongoing exam period winter 2021/22-II.

For details on the rules applying for the upcoming exam period 2022-I please check this page.

09 Dec 2021: FUAS' hygiene concept updated

FUAS' hygiene concept has been updated again. The most important changes concern the obligation to wear face masks covering the mouth and nose and the time tests are recognised as valid for (when presented as part of the "3G"-rule, i.e. instead of a vaccination or recovery certificate).

These are the most important changes to FUAS' hygiene concept; to read the complete updated version 14.0 please click here.

03 Dec 2021: “Free shot” rule for the exam period winter semester 2021/22-II >>

The “free shot” rule will apply during the exam period winter semester 21/22-II for the last time; the exam period will take place from 12 until 25 January 2022.

This means that in the exam period winter semester 2021/22-II you will have a free additional attempt (“free shot”) for all assessment and exams that will be held in digital form or online or which will be held as another type of exam than specified in the Exam Regulations. Please click here for more information.

29 Oct 2021: Student access cards handed out via the Info Point from 1 November

Please note that from 1 November on the access cards for students will be available from the Info Point in FUAS' H building (main building). Cards can be picked up during the Info Point's opening hours, i.e. Mondays through Fridays between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

26 Oct 2021: Opportunity to get vaccinated on 1 and 2 November >>

There will be another opportunity for all students, teaching and other staff members of Flensburg University of Applied Sciences as well as everyone else to get vaccinated against COVID-19 this winter semester; the next chance to get your vaccination is on Monday, 1 November 2021, and Tuesday, 2 November 2021,  from 09:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more details, please head to this site.

22 Oct 2021: FUAS' hygiene concept updated

Over the course of the last weeks the regulations on keeping track of contacts to be able to trace possible infection chains have become less and less strict. As a result we no longer have to keep a record of contacts occurring at our university using the terminals in the entrances of FUAS’ buildings or the luca app. 

This is the most important change to FUAS' hygiene concept; to read the complete updated version 13.0 please click here.

5 Oct 2021: Free vaccinations for FUAS members on campus in October >>

We are very glad to let you know that all students, teaching staff and other staff members of the Flensburg universities will have another opportunity to get vaccinated against COVID-19 on Monday, 11 October 2021, and on Tuesday, 12 October 2021, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the audimax lecture theatre complex (Thomas- Fincke- Straße 18, 24943 Flensburg). You can receive your first or your second vaccination on that day. For more details, please head to this site.

23 Sep 2021: Access to FUAS’ buildings from 27 September 2021 >>

Based on the Regulations to fight the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 at universities, i.e. the fact that all participants of classes or similar activities taking place on campus must be vaccinated, recovered or tested negative, access to FUAS buildings will be re-organised from 27 September 2021. Click here for more information. (You can also find more information in your FUAS student mailbox.)

17 Sep 2021: "Corona-certificate" necessary for access to classes >>

Please note that you will have to provide a certificate as proof that you are vaccinated, recovered or tested negative to be admitted to classes that are held on campus. These certificates must be issued by an entity authorised to do so.

14 Sep 2021: FUAS' hygiene concept updated

FUAS' hygiene concept has been updated. You can find the latest concept, i.e. version 11, here. Please inform yourself on the current rules and follow them; and please stay healthy.

2 Sep 2021: Free vaccinations for FUAS members on campus >>

We are very glad to let you know that in time for the start of the winter semester all students, teaching staff and other staff members of the Flensburg universities will have another opportunity to get vaccinated against COVID-19 on Wednesday, 8 September 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the B-Mensa cafeteria in FUAS’ building B. You can receive your first or your second vaccination on that day. For more details, please head to this site.

21. Aug 2021: Entering Germany from a variants of concern area possible now >>

Since 1 August 2021 a new Ordinance on Coronavirus Entry Regulations has been in place. This new Ordinance allows students and researchers to enter Germany even if they come from so-called variants of concern area. Up until recently entering Germany from these areas was strictly prohibited.

Please follow this link for more details and do not hesitate to contact our International Office should you have any questions.

20 Aug 2021: FUAS' hygiene concept updated

We have updated our hygiene concept again and it version 10.0 now available. Please follow this link for the latest version of FUAS’ hygiene concept. Please inform yourself on the current rules and follow them; and please stay healthy.

5 Jul 2021: Free vaccination against COVID-19 for students >>

Students will have the opportunity to get a free vaccination against COVID-19 on campus this week. Mobile vaccination teams will be administering vaccinations in the audimax (Thomas- Fincke-Straße 18, 24943 Flensburg) on Friday, 9 July, and Saturday, 10 July, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Click here for more details.

2 Jul 2021: Regulations on the “free shot” rule for the exam period summer semester 2021-II >>

Please follow this link to find out what the currently valid rules on “free shots” and the obligation to provide a doctor’s note are.

25 Jun 2021: Important information on entering Germany from a variants of concern area >>

A ban on carriage applies for travellers entering Germany from so-called areas of virus variants of concern. This means that a study or research stay in Germany in the winter semester 2021/22 cannot be ensured for students and researchers from areas classified as areas of virus variants of concern.

Please read the information on this page for details and to find out who to contact if you have any questions.

18 Jun 2021: Workstations ready for use again at the Campus Library >>

50 individual workstations are be available again in the Campus Library Flensburg (ZHB) since 16 June 2021. We have put together details on where these workstations are located and which rules apply here.

9 June 2021: Updated version of FUAS' hygiene concept >>

FUAS has updated its hygiene concept so that it meets the latest legal requirements. Following a resolution made by the President’s Office version 7.0 has come into force on 7 June 2021. The current version of FUAS’ hygiene concept is available on here.

We have summed up the main changes for you here. Please inform yourself on the current rules and follow them; and please stay healthy.

12 March 2021: Campus Library to re-open on 15 March 2021 >>

The Campus Library Flensburg (ZHB) will re-open for the taking out and returning of items on Monday, 15 March. Some restrictions apply, including that users must wear medical mask covering the mouth and nose, the maximum number of people allowed and the time users can spend in the library is limited For further information click here.

29 January 2021: Version 6.0 of FUAS' hygiene concept published

FUAS' hygiene concept has been updated. The most relevant change to the concept is that from now on medical masks must be worn on campus. Basic fabric masks are nit sufficient any longer. Click here to read the document.

25 Jan 2021: Information on the upcoming exam period >>

The new decree on measures relating to COVID-19 and the universities [Corona HEVO] has come into force on 23 January 2021. Click here to find out what the regulations regarding the upcoming exam period are and what this means for you as a student.

14 Jan 2021: Information on restricted library service >>

The Campus Library Flensburg (ZHB) has re-opened on January 4th, offering restricted service. You can place your order using the Discovery system or the library’s digital catalogue. You can take out and return books and other resources at the counter on the library’s ground floor. The opening hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m..

08 Jan 2021: Extension of the regulations for FUAS’ staff and employees until 31 January 2021

The most recent developments regarding the extension of the so-called lockdown and the application of stricter rules in Germany continue to affect the operation of FUAS. We would like to inform you that the rules and regulations for FUAS’ staff and employees have also been extended until 31 January 2021.

The first and foremost objective remains to be the continued operation of FUAS under the special circumstances resulting from the ongoing endeavour to reduce the number of infections.

4 Jan 2021: Order to isolate in case of a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection issued by the City of Flensburg

We would like to point out and emphasise the order to isolate (quarantine) in case of an infection with the coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) issued by the City of Flensburg on 21 December 2020. (The document, which is only available in German, is published here.)

The order states that persons tested positive for SARS CoV-2 and their category 1 contacts must isolate/quarantine in their homes in accordance with the RKI’s rules.

In accordance with § 31 of the German Epidemics Law [Infektionsschutzgesetz] these persons are not allowed to carry out their job. This does not apply to working from home if it can be done without physical contact to other people.

10 November 2020: New instructions on what to do in case of a Covid-19 infection at FUAS

In case of an infection with Covid-19 actions must be taken based on the individual situation. That is why we revised the instructions on what to do in case of a Covid-19 infection at FUAS and provided version no. 2 of this document on our website. These instructions can be found here, they apply for all members of FUAS (staff and students) as well as guests who spend time at FUAS and have contact with its members.

They serve as a guideline to provide a structure for the action taken in case of a (possible) Covid-19 infection and efficiently inform the necessary units at FUAS. Our overall objective is to reduce the risk of an infection for all members of FUAS as far as possible.

30 October 2020: Face masks to be worn in more areas on campus >>

From 2 to 29 November 2020 everyone will be required to wear a face mask covering the mouth and nose in more areas on campus, including areas outside buildings. These areas will be marked. Please refer to this map of the campus for more details. We kindly ask everyone to follow these rules.

19 October 2020: Face masks must be worn inside lecture and exam locations >>

From 19 October to 1 November students must wear a face mask covering the mouth and nose inside lecture and exam locations. This also applies for students who belong to the same cohort (defined, fixed group). Click here to find out more details.

28 September 2020: Face masks must be worn in FUAS’ buildings from now on

New hygiene rules are in place inside FUAS’ buildings since 26 September 2020 (> in accordance with the hygiene concept, version 4.0), the basis for these new rules are the Regulations for universities issued by the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Education on 15 September 2020. A face covering which covers the mouth and nose must be worn on all routes within FUAS’ buildings (corridors, stairways, lifts).

17 September 2020: Covid-19 test centre on campus

A Covid-19 test centre has benn set up on campus; it is in use since 16 September 2020 and is located on the P5 parking lot between Munketoft and the Flens-Arena.

27 July 2020: Information on access to FUAS’ buildings >>

The number one priority in these times of a pandemic is the prevention of infections; this makes it necessary to restrict the number of people entering FUAS’ buildings. FUAS’ buildings will remain closed for visitors and students unless they have an appointment. The rules are explained here.

27 July 2020: Changes to FUAS’ hygiene concept

In addition to changes to the process for requesting teaching on campus, FUAS' updated hygiene concept also allows for teaching on campus to take place if it is part of a curriculum of the degree programme and if students are taught in accordance with the cohort principle, e.g. in classes for first-semester students. The process is explained under III, no. 3; students must only belong to one cohort and cannot be member of a second cohort that includes other members than those in the first cohort. This way, in the case of an infection, it will be possible to identify contacts. As long as students are in their cohort, rules on distance keeping do not apply and all seats or work places in a room can be used.

2 July 2020: Information for people arriving or returning from travels >>

In accordance with the Regulations issued by the Land Schleswig-Holstein revising regulations previously made to fight the new coronavirus and define quarantine measures for people arriving or returning from travels to third countries or certain German regions, issued on 24 June 2020, in effect from 25 June 2020 to 9 August 2020, there are rules in place for all members of Flensburg University of Applied Sciences (staff and students). Click here to find out what these rules are.

23 June 2020: Information for people arriving or returning from third countries >>

In accordance with the Regulations issued by the Land Schleswig-Holstein revising regulations previously made to fight the new coronavirus and define quarantine measures for people arriving or returning from third countries, issued on 12 June 2020, in effect from 15 June 2020, there are rules in place for all members of Flensburg University of Applied Sciences (staff and students). Click here to find out what these rules are.

15 June 2020: Financial aid for students >>

The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research has set up a fund to support students who are struggling financially because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The so-called "bridging aid" will help students with as much as 1,500 euros which they do not have to pay back. If you are a student at FUAS, you can apply for this aid with the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein. They have compiled information on who is eligible, the application process and FAQ on their website.

30 May 2020: Information on the "free shot" rule >>

The Schleswig-Holstein government issued a Corona bill on 15 May 2020 which allows the universities to implement a so-called “free shot” rule for assessment and exams. Click here to find out what FUAS' Dean’s Offices have agreed on for our students.

Update, 2 June 2020: We have specified the text and added more details to it in order to avoid any uncertainties and isunderstandings.

27 May 2020: FUAS' hygiene concept available in English

The hygiene concept defining the rules for teaching and other activities on campus has been translated into English. You can find the English version of FUAS' hygiene concept here (version 4.0, updated on 21 September 2020).

Update, 2 June: The hygiene concept for the Campus Library Flensburg is also available in English now. You can read it here.

Update, 4 June: The hygiene concept for further education courses at the Centre for Maritime Studies is also available in English now. You can read it here.

Update, 15 July: The hygiene concept for the Menke-Planetarium is also available in English now. You can read it here.

20 May 2020: Update of and new information in our FAQ >>

On 15 May 2020 the so-called “Corona bill” came into effect, this bill includes amendments to the Higher Education Act of Schleswig-Holstein and provides the universities with the freedoms and the legal certainties they need to act. The government of Schleswig-Holstein also agreed on a number of measures easing the impact of the regulations in place, these measures also concern the operations of FUAS and teaching on campus. Please check our updated FAQ on studying in times of Covid-19 to find out what exactly this means for your studies and exams.

29 April 2020: Teaching and exam times in the current and upcoming semesters

On the basis of the state government’s draft law on the Covid-19 pandemic (Article 16 amendment to the Higher Education Act, supplementary regulations on §101 during the Covid-19 pandemic) we are adjusting the teaching and exam periods for this and the following two semesters in order to facilitate a step-by-step transition towards regular operations. Please click here to find out what changes will be made to the teaching and exam times for the current and the upcoming semesters.

29 April 2020: Re-registration deadline extended

You'll have one month longer to re-register as a student of FUAS if you want to continue your studies with us in the upcoming winter semester. The new re-registration deadline is 17 July 2020.

23 April 2020: Update on teaching in the upcoming weeks

There will be no teaching on campus at FUAS before 11 May 2020 as we will not be able to implement appropriate and necessary hygiene measures before then. But even once a hygiene concept has been established and implemented, classes, labs and other teaching on campus must not be carried out without coordinating them with the Dean’s Offices. Further information on this and other regulations, such as semester times, will follow as soon as these are decided at the ministry level and can be announced.

All classes that can be taught online in an adequate quality are to be taught online until the end of the semester. 

17 April 2020 (updated on 23 April): Please note: Right to enter Schleswig-Holstein for to study and to take exams if your second place of residence is in Schleswig-Holstein

The current entry ban for Schleswig-Holstein is not valid for students whose second place of residence is in Schleswig-Holstein and who want to enter the state for studying purposes or exams. In accordance with the SARS-CoV_2 Control Regulations issued on 18 April 2020 the entry ban for Schleswig-Holstein applies to anyone travelling as a tourist, for further training or to receive medical treatment that is avoidable or deferrable.

The entry ban explicitly does not apply for travels for professional purposes including studies and training. Thus, students whose second place of residence is in Schleswig-Holstein can exercise their constitutional right as defined in article 11 of the German constitution (freedom of movement) without restrictions and take residence in their second place of residence in Schleswig-Holstein for this purpose.

Whether and how a second place of residence can be used is regulated by general decisions issued by the districts and cities. If you are a student and have questions regarding the use of your second place of residence, please contact the district or city this second place of residence is located in.

17 April 2020: Teaching and exams on campus in the week of 20 April 2020

There will not be any teaching on campus in the week from 20 April. All further decisions will be made based on the Ministry's decision in the next days.

The exams that had been scheduled for 16 and 17 March and that had to be postponed, will take place from 23 to 25 April. If you were already registered for the exams on 16 and 17 March, you do not have to register for these exams again. If you were not registered for these exams, you will not be able to register for them now. The arrangement that students do not need to present a doctor’s certificate if they cannot attend an exam they have registered for in the current exam period remains valid. Please act responsibly and decide whether not attending an exam makes sense if you have a cold for example.

 We have reserved the Flens-Arena (the sports arena on campus) for the period from 23 to 25 April to ensure that students can take exams with the necessary safety distance between them.

We will make sure that hygiene regulations are adhered by and we have been in close contact with Flensburg’s health department regarding this.

16 April 2020: Update of our FAQ on studying online>>

Before the Easter weekend we asked our students to send in questions they had on studying and life at FUAS in the current situation. Our President answered these questions in a video message but we have now also updated our FAQ to make these questions and the answers available in English.

27 March 2020: Important information on ensuring communication and online teaching >>

If you are a student at FUAS, please make sure that there is enough available storage space in your e-mail mailbox to receive e-mails from FUAS and your teaching staff. For more information, please click here.

25 March 2020: 14-days quarantine for everyone recently returned from travelling

In view of the current situation Schleswig-Holstein’s State Chancellery has decreed that all state administration employees who have recently returned from travelling must go into self-quarantine at home for a 14-day period. They must not go into their office or workplace and they must not meet colleagues in person. No difference is made between people returning from risk areas or areas particularly affected by the new coronavirus or other destinations.

This measure shall be in effect until 19 April 2020.

20 March 2020: FAQs on studying and working online >>

On this page we have gathered some of the questions that keep arising in the context of studying and teachig online and answered them.

18 March 2020: Special contact hours until 19 April 2020 >>

Our Student Services, Course Guidance and the Examinations Office are largely working from home in the current situation. But of course we are still here to answer your questions. Here is how you can reach us.

16 March 2020: FUAS on emergency service

Starting from tomorrow, 17 March 2020, most members of FUAS' staff will work from their homeoffices. This means they will still be there for our students and their questions but they will only be available via e-mail and phone. FUAS' buildings will be closed to the public.

15 Mar 2020: Specific regulations re. canceallation of exams and hardship cases >>

The President's Office has decided on regulations specifying what to do with specific examinations.

14 Mar 2020: Exams postponed, library and cafeteria closed

Following a directive issued by the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Health, we have decided to postpone all exams scheduled for Monday, 16 March, and Tuesday, 17 March 2020. New dates for these exams will be announced at a later point in time.

The Ministry has also decided to close all cafeterias and the library on campus until 19 April 2020.

13 Mar 2020: No teaching on campus until 19 April 2020

Following a directive issued by the Land of Schleswig-Holstein, there will be no teaching on campus at FUAS until 19 April 2020. We will set up online teaching facilities to enable our teaching staff and students to hold and attend classes in digital form. Our Vice President, Thomas Schmidt, will provide further details on this shortly. 

This does not affect exams, they take place as planned. The information published by the Examination Board remains valid: Students who do not attend an exam are not required to provide a doctor’s certificate.

10 Mar 2020: Directive from the Ministry of Health for people returning from risk areas

If you have been to one of these risk areas (list available in German only) in the last 14 days, you may not enter certain public institutions including Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. (The directive issued by Schleswig-Holstein's Ministry of Health lists all the institutions this includes in German.)

9 Mar 2020: No doctor’s certificate necessary in current exam period >>

9 Mar 2020: Orientation week postponed

The official welcome days for our new students have been postoponed, this also includes events such as the Treasure Hunt and the Pub Quiz. Lectures and classes will take place as planned.