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Access to FUAS’ buildings from 27 September 2021

Based on the Regulations to fight the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 at universities, i.e. the fact that all participants of classes or similar activities taking place on campus must be vaccinated, recovered or tested negative, access to FUAS buildings will be re-organised from 27 September 2021.

Entry checks at FUAS buildings

An external security service will be posted at the main entrances of FUAS’ buildings to carry out entry checks between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

What does this mean for students?

  • Students must prove that they are vaccinated, recovered or tested negative to enter buildings.
  • You can provide evidence in the form of a vaccination certificate, an official certificate stating that you have recovered from a COVID-19 infection or a negative PCR test along with your identity card or passport.

Individual access cards

As we do not want to slow you down by checking your vaccination, recovery or test certificate and your identity card every day – and maybe even more than once a day – you have the option of using a personalised access card.

How to get your access card:

  • fill in the PDF template you were sent by e-mail
  • print the document and bring it to FUAS along with your vaccination, recovery or test certificate and your identity card or passport
  • the validation team in P building will then validate it

Office hours of the validation team

You can have your access card validated in P building at the following times:

  • Thursdays 2 to 4 p.m. and
  • Fridays 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. noon

(As of now these times will be valid until the end of October.)