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Entering Germany from a variants of concern area possible now

Since 1 August 2021 a new Ordinance on Coronavirus Entry Regulations has been in place.

This new Ordinance allows students and researchers to enter Germany even if they come from so-called variants of concern area. Up until recently entering Germany from these areas was strictly prohibited.

The annex to §10 para. 2 sentence 1 no. 10 of the Coronavirus-Einreiseverordnung states:

“Thus the Federal Ministry of Health in agreement with the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of the Interior conclude that the carriage of the following persons is in the national interest of the Federal Republic of Germany:

  • researchers or scientists who have signed a hosting agreement or a contract to carry out a research project with a research institute or a university (§§ 18d, 18e, 18f AufenthG [Residence Act] as well as § 19c para. 1 AufenthG in connection with § 5 BeschV [Employment Regulations]); 
  • international students and doctorate students who can provide a letter of admission of their university or educational institution; this includes those cases where a language course, internship or Studienkolleg (preparatory courses) precede the studies;” 

This means that if you are about to start your studies with us and have received a letter of admission, you can travel to Flensburg even if you are doing so from a so-called variants of concern area. Should you have any questions, please contact our International Office – we will be glad to help.