Quality standards and the role logistics play for economic growth, tower concepts for wind turbines and optimizing and stabilising a power grid, projects on innovation and change management, virtual learning and data analysis – there is a lot of research going on at our university. Across geographical borders and those between disciplines.
Research is as big a part of everyday life at FUAS as teaching. Our researchers don’t work alongside each other but together. Our research projects provide a basis for doctoral theses as well as for master’s and bachelor’s theses and other student projects. Whether these projects are based at one of our research institutes or at one of our faculties, whether they focus on our region or more remote parts of the world – research at FUAS benefits our students and teaching staff as well as partners from industry and other research institutes.
The list below will allow you a glimpse into the research done at FUAS. If you have any questions on individual projects or a possible cooperation, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Heike Bille, the President's Office, representative for R&D and knowledge transfer, or the contact persons listed for each project.
Your contacts

Dr. Heike Bille
Technologie- und Wissenstransfer
Raum D 245
Telefon 0461 805 1204
Fax 0461/805 - 1511