Interaction between humans and computers plays a central role in digitalisation. That is why the usability analysis of user interfaces and the development of new interaction concepts play an important role in teaching and research at FUAS. An important area of application is computer-based education, e.g. in schools or in a medical context.
Successful designs of digital products are human-centred. The research profile Human-Computer Interaction is an important pillar of teaching, research and transfer at FUAS.
More than 20 people work at the CIVU (Center for Interaction, Visualization and Usability); they work around a core made up of 8 professors from the Media Informatics and Applied Computer Science degree programmes. Their areas of expertise and interest are:
- Usability,
- (medical) visualisation,
- virtual/augmented reality,
- ubiquitous computing,
- serious games and
- intermedia
- artificial intelligence (AI).
Our strength lies in working across disciplines: The close connection between computer science and design is at the core of everything we do; from the first semester of study to the transfer project with established companies, start-ups, school partners or other stakeholders in our region. Our labs, AR/VR, human experience or usability for example, give our students the opportunity to acquire the theoretical and practical skills they need to successfully align digital products with the needs of their users.
Research projects
Your contacts

Henner Bendig M.Eng.
Human-Computer-Interaction, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Spiele-Programmierung
Raum D 207
Telefon 0461 805 1762

Prof. Angela Clemens
Intermediales Design, Brand Design, Lichtkunst, Produktgestaltung
Raum A 105
Telefon 0461/805 - 1586

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Knut Hartmann
Game Design, Spiele-Programmierung, Computergrafik
Raum A 219
Telefon 0461/805-1227

Dipl.-Technikübersetzer Sascha Heimann
Content Development, Knowledge Management, Language Engineering
Raum D13
Telefon 0461/805 - 1636
Dipl. VK Tobias Hiep
Medien- & Webdesign, Typografie, Generative Gestaltung, Webprogrammierung, Content Management System
Raum A204
Telefon 0461/805 - 1662
Fax 0461/805 - 1527

Lukas Mayer M.Sc.
Human-Computer-Interaction, Medizinische Visualisierung
Raum A 108
Telefon 0461 805 1771

Anna-Lena Pohl M.A.
Wissens- & Technologietransfer, Forschungsmanagement
Raum D 215
Telefon 0461 805 1384

Simon Roessler M.A.
Audio, Sound Design, Filmton, Musik-Komposition, -Produktion, generative Musik
Raum A 220a
Telefon 0461/805 - 1654
Ute Storm
Informationsvisualisierung, Motion Design, Medienpädagogik
Raum A 220 a
Telefon 0461/805 - 17452

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Teistler
Human-Computer Interaction, Virtuelle Realität, Medizinische Visualisierung
Raum A 218a
Telefon 0461/805 - 1370

Dr. phil. Marion Wittkowsky
Maschinelle Übersetzung, Fachsprache, Kommunikationsoptimierung
Raum D11
Telefon 0461/805 - 1635
Fax 0461/805 - 1750