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Eine Gruppe Studierender steht vor drei Lehrenden und hält einen Vortrag, auf dem Monitor hinter ihnen sieht man ein Bild von zwei Quallen und Text: BlueSoil - Die Kraft der Meere nutzen, um unsere Erde zu stärken; auf dem Flipchart neben ihnen steht "Realisiere deine Idee!"

Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Development

expected start: winter semester 2025/26

At a glance


  • Programme title

    Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Development
  • Faculty

    4 & 1 & 2 & 3
  • Starts in

    summer semester
  • winter semester
  • Duration

    7 semesters
  • Degree

    Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science
  • Language of instruction

    German & English
  • Restricted admission

  • Accreditation

    Akkreditierung läuft

5 good reasons

  • Do your thing: With us, you apply the theory you learn to your own start-up project right away.

  • From the 3rd semester onwards, you choose which modules you want to take based on your project.

  • Personal development and individual coaching are crucial to us.

  • You play an active role and define the course of your studies.

  • This programme combines all of FUAS’ faculties and our teaching follows a uique methodology.

It's a match if

  • You want to develop your own business idea

  • You’re interested in engineering and new technologies

  • You’re eager to learn about business fundamentals

  • You want to work in teams made up of different disciplines

  • You’re creative and want to use this to find new solutions for existing problems

What it’s about

Technology, design and business? Your start-up idea. Your choice! This programme will give you the chance to learn the basics from a wide range of disciplines and let you apply them from the first semester on. This way, you get to try things out in a protected environment. You will work in teams witrh people from difgferent disciplines, develop your own business idea and be both creative and an entrepreneur. The range of possibilities this programme offers is also reflected in the degrees you can acquire - depending on your focus, you can either graduate with a a B.A. or a B.Sc.

Course structure & majors

Theory and practice always go together in this programme - right from the start. in the first two semesters, you will acquire the technical and business-related basics that you need to realise your start-up idea. You will also complete the first start-up and coaching modules, these will be a part of your curriculum throughout your studies. From the third semester onwards, you get to create your own curriculum with modules of your choice from all of FUAS’ facultiues. This way, the content of your studies is tailored precisely to match your ideas and needs. This is also when you decide which of the two possible degrees you will pursue.

The sixth semester is your “business accelerator" semester - you now have plenty of time to hone your business idea You can also spend a semester abroad or support FUAS researchers on a research project. 

In the seventh semester, your "take-off" semester, you will write your bachelor’s thesis in addition to working on your project.


The Engineering focus aims to provide you with a deeper understanding in core areas such as mechanics, electrical engineering and materials science. It allows you to specialise in future technologies and it trains you in technical design, product development and project management. In addition, we will (further) develop your entrepreneurial thinking, teach you innovation management and emphasise the importance of sustainability and ethical responsibility. All of this will enable you to develop and introduce innovative solutions to the market.

Life science

The Life Science focus equips you with a deeper understanding of biological-technological systems, specialised knowledge in biotechnology, food technology and process engineering, as well as practical skills. Here we focus on innovation and the application of scientific findings in an entrepreneurial context, including the development of technical solutions with commercial potential and the knowledge of regulatory frameworks.

Computer science and design

The Computer science and design focus combines technical computer science skills with design skills to prepare you to develop innovative, user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing technology solutions. The core skills and knowledge you will take away from this are programming and design basics, app development, combining both technical and design approaches, prototyping, the complete product development cycle, critical thinking, interdisciplinary teamwork and an awareness for ethical aspects.

Economy and businesses

The Economy and business focus will provide you with a solid foundation in business administration, entrepreneurial and innovation management skills, knowledge in finance and accounting, strategic management as well as marketing and sales. This focus will prepare you to understand economic contexts and to successfully start and develop companies and innovation projects. In addition to all this, you will acquire digital skills and the basics of business law.

Future prospects

You want to continue your studies?

Your options to continue your studies on master’s level are as varied as the possibilities within this degree programme: You could specialise in Business Management for example, or gain more in-depth technical knowledge in our Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering master’s. Or, if you want to explore a more creative career, how about a master’s degree in Design, Film & Marketing?

You want to work?

Your career path - your decision: Your choice of subjects and modules in the course of your studies will have a strong influence on what your job description is later. Whether you want to be your own boss or join an established company - thanks to our practice-oriented approach, you will be well equipped to work at interdisciplinary interfaces. Here is a small list of possible jobs:

  • Manager of an SME or a start-up
  • Innovation manager 
  • Product manager
  • Consultant for future entrepreneurs
  • Business development expert
  • and many more

Of course, you can also pursue a career in academia.

Course Guidance