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Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering

Zwei Studentinnen stehen an einem großen Monitor und zeigen auf die dort dargestellte Grafik mit verschiedenfarbigen eckigen Flächen und der Angabe C250. Ein Dozent steht links, ein Student links neben ihnen und blicken ebenfalls auf den Bildschirm.

Are you studying Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering and looking for your timetable? Do you need information about your internship or study regulations? Do you want to know what's currently coming up or what projects other students have completed in the last few semesters? You'll find it here.


  • Programme title

    Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering
  • Faculty

  • Starts in

    summer semester
  • winter semester
  • Duration

    3 semesters
  • Degree

    Master of Engineering
  • Restricted admission

    no specific restrictions
  • Accreditation

    Akkreditiert durch: Akkreditierungsrat
    Begutachtet durch: ASIIN

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Elective Courses


Studying abroad

Do you want to complete part of your degree programme abroad? Then the International Office team will be happy to help you. We are networked with more than 60 partner universities all over the world. There is sure to be an agreement for your degree programme. The International Office can tell you everything you need to know about applying, learning agreements and the recognition of credits.

Study and Examination Regulations

Course Guidance