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Want to study with us?

Applied Bio and Food Sciences

At a glance

This degree programme is taught entirely in English.


  • Programme title

    Applied Bio and Food Sciences
  • Faculty

  • Starts in

    summer semester
  • Duration

    3 semesters
  • Degree

    Master of Science
  • Language of instruction

  • Restricted admission

  • Accreditation

    by ASIIN

5 good reasons

  • Study in English in Germany

  • Write your master’s thesis abroad? Sure!

  • Study next to your job

  • Theory and practice always go together

  • Work and research in our state-of-the-art labs

It's a match if

  • You have a bachelor’s degree from a related field

  • You speak English at B2 level

  • You want to work in teams and in an international context

  • You want to do research

  • You want to work on projects hands on!

What it’s about

Bio and food technology have an influence on every part of our daily lives basically: Environmental technology, medicine and bio-based raw materials; food quality and safety, new raw materials and production processes that are sustainable and save resources. In this degree programme we combine these two sciences and tap into the potential that this combination creates in research and knowledge transfer.

Course structure & majors

In the first semester of your studies you will acquire more in-depth knowledge on food technology and biotechnology. We’ll bring your technology knowledge up to date, teach you more about analytics and project management.

The second semester of your studies is a project semester. You will work on a current topic in a team, and you will understand and practice the process behind academic projects, from the application to the presentation. You will present your project results at the Scientific Conference, which you will also organise.

Your master’s thesis and the colloquium that goes with it fill the final semester of your studies. You can write your thesis with a company – in Germany or abroad.

Future prospects

You want to continue your studies?

Your master’s degree is the perfect qualification if you want to pursue a doctorate.

You want to work?

Your degree is the perfect qualification for jobs in a wide range of sectors. Applicants with your skills are sought after in these industries for example:

  • Food industry
  • Pharmaceutical sector
  • Beauty product industry
  • Life Sciences

What exactly your tasks and responsibilities will be largely depends on your interests nad strengths. Some of the areas you can work in are:

  • Product development
  • Quality management and assurance
  • Production and optimising
  • Research
  • Management

The prospects on the job market are more than promising: Several studies show a significant increase in positions advertised by companies active in the field of biotechnology. The number of people with a university degree working in food technology is on the rise.

How do I apply?

If what you have read so far matches your strengths, interests and your idea of what you would like to study and do – in short, if this sounds like the perfect degree programme for you, you should apply.

Applying for a master’s degree programme is not much different from what you did when you applied for your bachelor’s degree programme. Depending on whether you have acquired your university entrance qualification in Germany or abroad, the application process varies. If you went to school outside Germany, please apply via uni-assist. If your university entrance qualification was issued by a German school, please apply via our Online Service Tool.

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Course Guidance