Unit 6
A safe network, a fast connection to the internet, e-mail addresses for all members of our university and technical devices that work during lectures and other university events – the IT team makes sure we can work and study smoothly and without disturbances.
We are here to support our staff and students:
- with the technical equipment in our lecture halls and laboratories (sound and video),
- using the videoconference call equipment of the university,
- with possible software problems.
Your contacts
Anna Zingler
Auszubildende zur Fachinformatikerin (Fachrichtung: Systemintegration)
Raum H 116
Telefon 0461 805 1658

Fatna Barkouch Master Data Science und Big Data
Laboringenieurin für Cloud-Services
Raum D 310
Telefon 0461 805 17559
Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Eichhorn
Laboring. für IT-Systemadmin. im Fachbereich Wirtschaft
Raum C225
Telefon 0461 805 1746

Jan Sören Schneider B.Sc.
Administrator für Campusmanagementsysteme
Raum H 105
Telefon 0461 805 1751

Applikationsteam (Campusmanagement)
Ralf Andresen
Raum H105
Telefon 0461 805 1416
Fax 0461/805 - 1300