This is the place where theory is turned into practice – literally. In our Main Workshop apprentices training to be industrial mechanics make the projects and drafts of our students and professors become reality. Among the one of a kind-things that were made here throughout the past decades are a charging station for e-bikes, engines and award-winning small wind turbines.
In our Main Workshop we train in between four and six apprentices at a time to become industrial mechanics with a special focus on mechanics/ maintenance. This focus is offered nowhere else in Germany but here at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. The training takes four years and the first thing our apprentices learn is the basic skills of metal working and processing. Based on this they acquire skills and knowledge on CNC technology, metalwork and construction and wielding basics.
If you train to be an industrial mechanic with us, you won’t mill, saw and clamp simply for the sake of milling, sawing and clamping, you will apply what you learn to turn projects and requests from all over our university. The final project for your exam may be the final project of one of our students at the same time. Here, science and craftsmanship go hand in hand.
Our main workshop also receives requests and assignments from the university administration and our teaching staff – from all over the university really. If the students or teaching staff from our Process Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Wind Engineering programmes need parts that can’t be bought in a shop, the team of the main workshop will produce them and thus make research and study projects possible. The team also builds lab equipment and ensures its maintenance. And sometimes our apprentices swap sides after they finished their training and go on to use the equipment they set up and maintained as part of their studies.
Your contacts
Erk Hennes Horn
Auszubildender zum Industriemechaniker
Raum H 66
Telefon 0461 805 1428