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Maternity protection for students

As a pregnant or breastfeeding student the German Mutterschutzgesetz [Protection of Mothers Law] protects your health and that of your child. Here you’ll find details on how to notify us of your pregnancy along with other useful information.

As a mother-to-be or when you are breastfeeding your baby, the German Protection of Mothers Law offers you particular protection. This law strengthens your rights so that you can continue to work and, which is particularly relevant here, to study during your pregnancy and in the time you’re breastfeeding. The main focus is to protect your health and that of your child because we want you to be able to resume your studies successfully and without additional worries.

To make sure you receive the full protection you’re entitled to and to give us the time to arrange any measures we may want to take for you and your child, please let us know that you are expecting or breastfeeding a child as early on as possible. We will only be able to adjust anything that may need to be adjusted so you can continue your studies after we talked about this with you. We are required to have this conversation by law – so don’t hesitate to contact us.

So, in order to meet the legal requirements, we need your help. To make our talk as productive and successful for you as possible we have created this form, which you can hand in to Student Services and discuss with the team there.

How do I apply for compensation for disadvantages?

By completing this form and sending it to the examination board (at prü

Your way to maternity protection

Who can advise and support me with my application?

The Equal Opportunities Officer and Diversity Officer at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. You can reach them at Your email will be sent to the Diversity Officer and the Equal Opportunities Officer, and you can also contact either of them directly at any time in confidence.

What must be enclosed with the application?

  1. in the case of disability and chronic illness, a medical certificate from a specialist, if possible with details of suitable compensation for disadvantages (a diagnosis does not have to be stated).
  2. a copy of the child's birth certificate if maternity or parental leave is taken or if the child is under 14 years of age
  3. in the case of care obligations for close relatives, a medical certificate of personal care for relatives with a recognised care level or proof of the care allowance notification

Where and how do I submit the application?

With an e-mail to the examination board: prü


How is compensation for disadvantages regulated?

Section 3 (5) of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Education Act (HSG) stipulates that the special needs of students must be taken into account. Regulations on this can also be found in Section 20 of the Examination and Procedure Regulations (PVO) of Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. Art. 3 para. 3 (2) GG and Art. 5 para. 2 UN CRPD also provide for compensation for disadvantages for equal educational participation.

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