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IT Security

The global challenges of our time, such as protecting critical infrastructures, corporate IT or personal data against cyberattacks, call for new, innovative IT security solutions. FUAS is tackling these challenges connected to IT security and has established research and transfer structures.

Our focus in the research area IT security includes the areas of theoretical and applied cryptography, crypto economics such as modern blockchain technologies, confidential computing and the protection of artificial intelligence (C3AI).

We carry out research, development and third-party funded projects using the C3AI Lab and in cooperation with regional and international industry and university partners. The projects we have completed in the past include:

In addition to cutting-edge basic research, the C3AI team also aims to transfer innovative security technologies into spin-offs with the aim of commercialising and marketing security technologies made in Germany.

Our mission is to make a sustainable contribution to regional and national IT security. We are active in various clusters of excellence and advise companies in our areas of expertise.

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