With our methods we can characterise and quantify various analytes. We have listed some common examples below. Contact us, we will be happy to help you!
Flavourings are essential in our perception of whether something tastes good, smells good to us and therefore, ultimately, they are the basis for our decision whether to buy something or not. The targeted development of an aroma profile helps to prepare a product so it meets the demands of the market.
Natural substances
Natural substances are substances that are formed in the living environment and fulfil a biological function. As natural substances also include products from plants, humankind has been using them for a long time. We now know that many of them fulfil very specific functions that are relevant to us in cosmetics, in the field of food supplements and in medicine.
Carotenoids are natural substances and are usually the basis of a yellowish to reddish coloration in plants and algae. They are used as colorants in the food industry, for example. In addition, they are relevant as provitamin A in our vitamin balance.
Polyphenols are mainly found in plants. Their diverse biological activities make them particularly interesting.
Toxin detection
Toxins are also a group of natural substances, but these generally have a negative effect. Therefore, they should be avoided in food products, for example. Effective detection methods can help to improve processes and increase product safety.