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Panel discussion: Support Business in Africa during COVID times – Influence of the Corona crisis

Key data
Event type
digital event
Online meeting via Webex

These event is organised and hosted by  the Centre for Business and Technology in Africa.

Access to the online event

Follow this link to join the panel discussion v ia Webex.

  • meeting code: 137 186 9849
  • password: MDjYuWnu279


The event will be held in English.

  • Programme

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      • Online meeting via Webex
        Short introduction to the current situation in Africa
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      • Online meeting via Webex
        Keynote speech
        • Edna Schöne, Member of the Board of Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft  
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      • Online meeting via Webex
        Further contributions
        • Dr. Josephine Wapakabulo, Thomas Festerling  
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      • Online meeting via Webex
        Open discussion round