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Centre for Business and Technology in Africa

Logo des CBTA: Rechts der Umriss des afrikanischen Kontinents in orange, links danebe der ausgeschriebene Name des Centres in vier Farben (braun, grün, blau und orange).

Africa is a continent on the move. Rapid developments create countless opportunities for people and businesses both here and there. What these opportunities are exactly and how they can be used as efficiently and sustainably as possible is what the team at the Centre for Business and Technology in Africa researches together with partner institutions from industry and research in Africa and Germany.

From Flensburg to Kenya, Cameroon, Ghana or Namibia or the other way around – from Africa all the way North. The CBTA makes this exchange possible for students and staff; students can spend semesters and internships abroad and attend the annual Autumn and Spring Schools. Business students advise German companies on their investment plans in the module “Business in Africa.“

But the broadening of horizons in both Flensburg and Africa doesn’t stop with studies and teaching for the CBTA. The centre also participates in innovative projects, it offers its services to emerging businesses and supports first class education in Africa. The centre’s key to success is connecting people. Throughout the years a network has developed across continental borders in which knowledge is being shared and exchange is being promoted.

The results thus gained benefit the various universities cooperating with the centre as well as businesses that are active on the African market already or plan to access it in the future to gain from what this emerging market has to offer.

For more information on the CBTA, the people behind the centre, projects, partnerships and possibilities to cooperate, please visit the centre’s website and blog.


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