With the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship programme sponsors and businesses from our region help us to support socially committed and high-achieving students at FUAS every year. It is not only above average grades that are rewarded here but social commitment and special achievements.
The German government laid the foundation for the Deutschlandstipendium in 2010 with the Act to Establish a National Scholarship Programme (StipG). The Deutschlandstipendium supports socially committed and high-achieving students at universities all over Germany. Next to above average grades, the criteria for the awarding of the scholarship are social commitment and special achievements such as the overcoming of personal hardships in the student’s educational career.
The scholarship support is 300 euros per month. 150 euros of which are paid by private sponsors, the other 150 euros are contributed by the German government.
The awarded scholarship is not related to the income and will not count towards grants awarded under BAföG [Federal Training Assistance Act]. Successful applicants will receive a scholarship of 300 euros a month for the term of the funding period (a minimum of 2 semesters). The scholarship does not have to be paid back.
How do I apply?
You can apply for the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship from 1 May 2024 until 31 May 2024. You can apply via Stud.IP or just send us your application using this form.
Do you have any questions?
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail us: deutschlandstipendium@hs-flensburg.de.