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“TOP Woche” orientation week in the summer semester 2025

The front of a large sports hall, with wide steps leading up to it in the foreground. Above it an overlay of many colourful rectangles and white text: TOP Woche
Key data

If you will be starting your studies with us this March, this week is for you. To make your start here a good one, there will be a variety of events in our orientation week to welcome you and show you the campus and FUAS.

What is the "TOP Woche"?

The TOP Woche is an orientation week at the start of the semester. We'll put together a programme to make your start here as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Meet your fellow students and your teaching staff and get to know FUAS and our campus.

Below you can find the programme for the orientation week in the summer semester 2025. We are currently still working on the details of all the things on offer. So come back regularly if you don't want to miss anything.

Orientation events for international students

In the week before the official orientation programme, our International Office has put together a programme with events especially for incoming international students. You can find all the information here: Orientation events for international students

  • Tuesday, 18 March: Official welcome day

      • H-Gebäude, Raum H14
        Welcome event
        The President's Office, your Dean's offices, the General Students Committee and many more would like to welcome you and introduce themselves.
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      • Foyer des H-Gebäudes
        Doors open & fair
        Grab a coffee and some lunch with us and get to know services and offers from the campus
  • Wednesday, 19 March

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      • Containergebäude 14
        All roads lead to the AStA - but nobody knows the way.
        A meeting point to exchange ideas between the programme items. All students can come to us for coffee, tea, brunch etc. during the breaks and chat with the AStA (General Student Committee)..
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      • H-Gebäude, Raum H304
        Welcome to the master's degree programme Applied Bio and Food Sciences
        Welcome to the faculty and the study programme (presence option)
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  • Thursday, 20 March

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      • Containergebäude 14
        Have a break
        A meeting point at the AStA for all students to exchange ideas between the programme items. Get yourself a drink and a snack - for first-year students there are tokens in the first-year bags that will be handed out on Tuesday!
  • Friday, 21 March

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      • Versatel-Gebäude (Nordstr. 2), Raum V4.01 und online über WebEx
        Welcome to the master's degree programme Wind Energy Engineering
        Agenda: Introduction, Administration, Stud. IP, Master Program/Lecturer, Time Schedule Summer Semester 2024, Activities