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WETI lecture series: Challenges of aerodynamic simulations

Key data
Event type
digital event
Online meeting via Webex

The lecture/Der Vortrag

Full title/Vollständiger Titel

Challenges of aerodynamic simulations in the development of wind turbines


Aerodynamic simulation and more specific CFD can be used to augment the development of wind turbines. However, in order to efficiently apply this kind of method, both a clear requirements engineering and a highly automated process are
required. Within the presentation the benefits of aerodynamic simulations will be discussed and it will be shown how to harness those, but also where the current limits of state-of-the-art CFD simulations are. Not everything is possible with CFD and not everything should be done with high-fidelity simulations but used wisely used and with a suitable strategy it may drive industrial development forward.


Dr.-Ing. Matthias Arnold, ENERCON GmbH (WRD GmbH)

Dr. Matthias Arnold studied aeronautics engineering at the University Stuttgart 2006 to 2011 with a focus on aerodynamics and wind energy systems. Afterwards he worked in the research field of hydro-elastic simulations of tidal current turbines at the Stuttgart Chair of Wind Energy (SWE), which he concluded with the degree of Dr.-Ing. Since 2016 he is working for the wind turbine manufacturer Enercon in the R&D department of System-Aerodynamics with a focus on aerodynamic and aeroelastic simulation.



Access information/Zugangsinformationen

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The lecture series/Über die Ringvorlesung:

The Wind Energy Technology Institute is organizing a series of lecture in the winter semester 2021/22. We welcome anyone interested in the wind industry to join us. We have invited lecturers from the various branches of the wind industry to speak about exciting topics. There will also be the opportunity for a short discussion after each of the talks.

Das Wind Energy Technology Institute (WETI) der Hochschule Flensburg veranstaltet im Wintersemester 2021/22 wieder eine Ringvorlesung und lädt alle Interessenten dazu ein! Es werden Referent*innen aus Industrie und Wirtschaft über spannende Themen aus der Windbranche referieren. Im Anschluss der Vorträge besteht die Möglichkeit im Rahmen einer Diskussionsrunde Fragen zu stellen und das Thema zu vertiefen.