The Centre for International Education and Life-Long Learning (CIEL) is a central institution of Flensburg University of Applied Sciences.
Under the umbrella of CIEL, internationalisation, continuing education and foreign language training are developed and offered for our university. This includes study abroad programmes, various curricular and extracurricular modules and courses, support for learning technologies and techniques, courses in university didactics, and much more. The Centre's offers all this not only for students, but also for teaching staff and FUAS’ employees.
Below you will find the units that make up the CIEL.
Your contacts

Antje Fey-Jensen
Beratung internationaler Studierender: Studienerfolg und Berufseinstieg (DAAD-FIT)
Raum H 27
Telefon 0461 805 1211

Elina Vartanova M.A.
Managerin Berufseinstieg und Networking für internationale Studierende
Raum D 345
Telefon 0461 805 1361

Dr. Caroline Weber
Managerin Berufseinstieg und Networking für internationale Studierende
Raum 12.3-10
Telefon 0461 805 1313