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Enrolment in the Studienkolleg as a visiting student in Flensburg

Zwei junge Männer, einer ist von hinten und unscharf zu sehen, der andere schaut ihn fröhlich an und blickt dabei auch fast in die Kamera. Sie sitzen an einem Tisch, auf dem unscharf Flyer oder ähnliche bunte Dokumente zu erkennen sind.

Welcome to the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences branch of the Studienkolleg of Kiel University of Applied Sciences!

Here you will find information on how to enrol as a visiting student at the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences’ branch of the Studienkolleg.

Enrolment procedure and documents

After you have successfully applied for the Studienkolleg ,have secured one of the study places and then have enrolled at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, the next step is to head to our online application portal and register as a visiting student. You must also apply for the Studienkolleg at the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences branch, including an application code. You will receive this application code via e-mail after you have been admitted to the programme.

We will enrol you as a visiting student of Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. This means you get assigned a student e-mail address, can register for courses and take exams.

Further information can be found on the website of Kiel University of Applied Sciences.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

For more information about life in Flensburg, check the PDF linked below (in German).

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