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Graduation ceremony 2023

Key data
audimax, Gebäude Hörsaalzentrum

You did it! You completed your studies, and we would like to celebrate this and your accomplishments with you and your loved ones.

The graduation cerem ony will take place on 7 July 2023. We are currently finalising the programme and share it here with you as soon as possible.


Please use this form to register for the event and let us know how many people you will be bringing.


We would like to use this day to give you an opportunity to say goodbye to the campus and the places where you studied. That is why the event will start in the individual faculties at 2 p.m. We will let you know where exactly soon.

Then, starting at 3 p.m., we will hold the official graduation ceremony in the audimax lecture theatre complex. We will celebrate you and your degree and award the VR Bank-Hochschul-Preis for outstanding theses.

To end this day with a bang, you are then invited to join us in the Hopfengarten outdoor area in front of H-building and share a drink with your fellow graduates and loved ones and enjoy reminiscing and live music.

  • Ablauf

      • je nach Fachbereich
        Verabschiedung in den Fachbereichen
        Schwelgt ein letztes Mal in den Gebäuden in Erinnerungen, in denen ihr in den letzten Jahren so viel Zeit verbracht habt.
      • Maschinenhalle (Raum H76, H-Gebäude)
        Fachbereich 1
      • H-Gebäude, Raum H204
        Fachbereich 2
      • A-Gebäude, Raum A14
        Fachbereich 3
      • Foyer des C-Gebäudes & Raum C28/29
        Fachbereich 4
      • audimax, Gebäude Hörsaalzentrum
        Zentrale Feierstunde
        inkl. Gastrede, VR Bank Hochschul-Preis, Preis für exzellente Lehre und Übergabe der Abschiedsgeschenke
      • Hopfen- & Biergarten (zwischen H- und B-Gebäude)
        Ausklang im Hopfengarten
        Stoßt auf euch und eure Abschlüsse an.