In this research priority we find digital solutions for various spheres of life. Our main topics are human-computer-interaction, usability, IT security, Artificial Intelligence, software engineering and design/visualisation; they are applied in business, health, culture and education amongst others.
- human-computer-interaction
- usability
- IT security
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- software engineering
- design/visualisation
Your contacts
Prof. Dr. Jan Christiansen
Fachliche Studienberatung
Anerkennung von Leistungen
Raum A 206
Telefon 0461/805-1668
Prof. Dr. Sönke Cordts
KI in Unternehmensanwendungen
Raum C 224
Telefon +49 461 805 1406
Fax +49 461 805 1496
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rusnjak
Fachliche Studienberatung
Raum C 223
Telefon +49 (0)461 805 - 1381
Fax +49 (0)461 805 - 1300