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Accommodation in Flensburg

Eine Reihe von weißen Häusern mit Balkonen, umgeben von grünen Wiesen, einem Baum und einer Picknickbank. Darüber blauer Himmel mit weißen Wolken.

Finding accommodation in Flensburg is still relatively easy compared to many other German university cities. Whether you like it quieter or prefer to live right in the middle of the action, with a view of the countryside or the harbor - if you look, you will usually find it.

The Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein offers a variety of rooms in three halls of residence directly on campus and one hall of residence in the city. Details can be found on the Studentenwerk website.

You can also find (private) accommodation offers on the AStA notice board in the B building here on campus, on the AStA website or, of course, on the relevant web portals. We have also put together a non-binding overview of first points of contact for you.

Housing especially for students

Local contact points

Popular search portals

These search portals often feature apartments rather than student rooms:

Transitional solutions for the first few days