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Roast Your Start-Up – Cross-border Peer-Feedback Session

Key data
Event type
digital event
Online meeting

What is it?

You always get the same politically correct feedback on your start-up idea? Are you ready to have your business idea challenged and ready for honest, brutal feedback that will take you further? You are interested in how your business idea is received beyond your own cultural mindset and market?

Then let yourself be challenged by other start-ups across the border and roast your start-up!

In this small Roast Your Start-Up-session 2 Danish start-ups will compete against 2 German start-ups. They will pitch each other their business ideas and give each other honest and brutal peer2peer feedback and sparring.


English – every accent is welcome!

Who can participate?

  • Start-ups from Hochschule Flensburg, Europa-Universität Flensburg and Syddansk Universitet
  • Start-ups who want to have their business idea challenged by start-ups across the German-Danish border.
  • Start-ups that are thinking about entering foreign markets.

Contact and registration

You need more information or want to register? Please, contact Lisa Marie: